срещу 1 млрд. лири |
Job done? May will certainly hope so. Everything that gives her the strength and stability she lost on 8 June helps to steady her ship and give her new government time to settle. Unless something goes very badly wrong on Thursday, the Queen’s Speech will now pass in the Commons. But this deal shakes the pillars that uphold not just the politics of Britain but the politics of Ireland and Northern Ireland too. The price May has paid for it is hugely disruptive and potentially bankrupting – and will far exceed the £1bn price tag for the DUP’s offer of support in yesterday’s three-page agreement. May now has to explain something tough and unpalatable not just to her party or her critics or to the devolved governments of Scotland and Wales, but to England, to NHS staff and to public service workers generally. She has to explain why the 1.8 million inhabitants of Northern Ireland, each of whom already receives more financial support from the British taxpayer than those in the rest of the UK, are entitled to another dollop of the extra public spending that has been so long denied to the other 63 million. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jun/26/shoddy-dup-deal-cost-theresa-may-more-1bn |
Пачата в Ълстър ще стане още по-гъста. Управлението там е напълно блокирано от дълго време и изход не се вижда. Дори Джон Мейджър изрази опасения, че сделката на Терезка отново може да изкара по улиците чифтетата и лопарите. А ИРА разбира повече от шахидите как се правят и използват бомби... Пу-пу! Да не дава Господ! И всичко това от немукает и инат... През октомври ще я наритат от собствената й партия и хайде всичко отначало... |
Campaign groups lobbying for EU citizens’ rights said there was also fury that an estimated 150,000 EU citizens who went through the complicated process of applying for permanent residency cards as a means of securing their future in the UK have to apply again for a new “settled status” register that could entail an ID card. “We have got members who are outraged. Some of them have spent thousands of pounds on legal fees to apply for permanent residency since the referendum and they are now being told ‘you shouldn’t have bothered’,” said Nicolas Hatton, co-founder of the campaign group for EU citizens in the UK, the3million. това не е предложение, най-малкото честно и открито и никак щедро! това е подигравка и ако 27 те не го отхвърлят, значи наистина си заслужават да бъдат натикани в ъгъла! Това са човешки съдби и никой не дава право на Тереза да ги разиграва по собствено усмотрение! сега ще си проличи колко ЕС е загрижен за тези хора! Щото подводни камъни ще има, от вид Colin Yeo, a barrister who specialises in immigration and writes about EU freedom of movement, said the UK was “merely falling into line with what EU law always required” on health insurance, “so this is a welcome but overdue change of position”. On the wider deal, he said there was “nothing remotely generous about it at all”. He added: “It represents the bare minimum that decency requires, amounting to little more than agreeing not to kick out EU nationals when Brexit occurs. A genuinely generous offer would preserve future family reunion rights and be properly legally enforceable in case a future UK government reneges on the agreement.” обиграни са в номерата от векове и не зная доколко ЕС има подготвени за това политици и прависти. |