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проф. дървингов
09 Юли 2014 10:48
Мнения: 14,308
От: Bulgaria
Откривам тази тема като "дайджест" (подобно на списание "Спутник" от онова време) с идеята всеки, които намери нещо интересно, полезно и любопитно, свързано с изкуствено създадената държава Украйна, да го "пусне" тук.
Ленивци като мен нямат желание и време да се ровят, а съобщенията за ставащото в Украйна изчезнаха от "горещите" новини, да не река от новините изобщо.
Не е задължително коментирането ... културната дискусия е желателна и възможна ... мисля, че е допустимо публикуването на оригиналния език (без превод), кой разбрал, разбрал;
Приканвам руски зетьове и снахи, нереализиралите се мгимошници, обскуранти и прочие да не предизвикват скандали, благодаря.
Аз лично ще бъда главно читател, а не чукча.
Редактирано: 9 пъти. Последна промяна от: проф. дървингов
проф. дървингов
10 Юли 2014 16:19
Мнения: 14,308
От: Bulgaria
Натисни тук ... едно интервю от 9 юли относно ролята на медиите за изострянето на конфликта, макар и от австрийски източник, предпочитан от лицето Василев, материалът и интерес и показателен - поянтата е, че медиите с начина на отразяване на събитията в Украйна, са допринесли за изострянето на конфликта ... да се чете унисоно с днешно проучване на някакъв Пю институт от САЩ, цитирано в бюлетина на ЕС - ето го Натисни тук , доказващо колко много са загубили руснацити и лично Путин от ставащото в Украйна ...
Редактирано: 1 път. Последна промяна от: проф. дървингов
10 Юли 2014 17:27
Мнения: 1,299
От: Russian Federation
някакъв Пю институт от САЩ

Не знам защо направих асоциация с "Острова на съкровищата". Там Пю беше слепецът.
10 Юли 2014 18:10
Мнения: 28,933
От: Bulgaria
Там Пю беше слепецът.

И главен злодей след Флинт, началник на "спецназа".

Нема да чета. Тача само трима велики слепци - Омир, Милтън и Паниковски За Пю няма място на тази висока скамейка; нищо, че името му означава седалка или църковна пейка.

Професоре, за Украина пробвайте сайта http://www.odnako.org/ - сериозни интонации, сериозен форум. Но май нямат оперативни новини във вид на хроника. Не съм го изучила изкъсо.
Редактирано: 1 път. Последна промяна от: Дорис
10 Юли 2014 19:22
Мнения: 1,299
От: Russian Federation
И главен злодей след Флинт, началник на "спецназа".

Чакай сега, нали и папагалът се казваше "капитан Флинт" ?

Професоре, нищо не мога да добавя към темата за Украйна, защото буквално "се задръстих" и вече не човъркам из мрежата. Но ще чета с интерес.
11 Юли 2014 00:08
Мнения: 9,157
От: Iceland
Белый дом: При необходимости США и Европа введут совместные санкции против России

РБК 09.07.2014, Москва 02:20:45 Представитель Белого дома Джош Эрнест заявил, что США и их союзники в Европе предпримут скоординированную изоляцию России, если она не будет "уважать территориальный суверенитет Украины".

"Экономические издержки, которые могут быть наложены на Россию за ее неспособность уважать территориальный суверенитет Украины, наиболее эффективны тогда, когда мы можем работать в тесном сотрудничестве с нашими партнерами. Затем мы можем реализовать режим санкций, который будет принят не только США, но и странами Европы, что делает его более эффективным. Это также в интересах американского бизнеса, поскольку он не будет поставлен в невыгодное положение по сравнению со своими конкурентами в Западной Европе", - сказал Эрнест на брифинге.

Натисни тук

YouTube заблокировал прямые трансляции канала RT на русском языке

Да се коментира няма смисъл. Ето адреса - Натисни тук

3. Англия срещу Русия, история на противостянието: Натисни тук и Натисни тук

4. В Украйна са дали денонощие на провайдерите да изключат всички руски програми - Натисни тук
Капитан Ахав
11 Юли 2014 12:37
Мнения: 1,785
От: Bulgaria
Ето нещо актуално:

Натисни тук

Amnesty International says that it has gathered "graphic and compelling evidence of savage beatings and other torture" by pro-Russian separatist groups in eastern Ukraine.

The human rights group says that protesters and journalists have been targeted over the last three months.

An Amnesty report, Abductions and Torture in Eastern Ukraine, says that hundreds of people have been abducted.

Pro-government forces also committed a smaller number of abuses, Amnesty says.
11 Юли 2014 17:24
Мнения: 506
От: Bulgaria
Стагнирующую украинскую экономику спасают эмиссией
Натисни тук
проф. дървингов
11 Юли 2014 20:18
Мнения: 14,308
От: Bulgaria
долното е една пуликация на Цюрихската политехника !?!, може да го намерите тук - Натисни тук

7 July 2014 International Relations
The Ukraine Crisis and the Issue of National Minorities
By Stephanie Liechtenstein

This article was originally published by Security and Human Rights.

National minorities are a political and social fact in Europe and many other parts of the world.
In Europe, the issue of national minorities became particularly acute after the breakup of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1918 as well as more recently after the breakup of the former Yugoslavia and the collapse of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 1990s.
The newly created independent states became hosts to national minorities: for example, the Baltic States and Ukraine to a Russian minority, Romania to a Hungarian minority, Croatia to a Serb minority and vice versa, just to name a few.

Hence, in Europe (and other parts of the world) it is a fact that state borders very rarely run exactly along ethno-cultural lines. In other words, there are very few pure “nation-states”. While a state, according to Max Weber (1946), is the “territorial organization exercising legitimate control over its own bounded territory [...]“[1], a nation “consists of peoples, often with a shared language, history and identity, who might find themselves contained within states, divided between them, or granted self-determination over their own affairs in the form of the nation-state.”[2]

However, as emphasized above, ‘nation’ and ‘state’ rarely coincide.
Therefore, states have an obligation to protect the minority groups living within their territories in order to maintain international order, peace and security.
The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) has been working on helping states to ensure minority rights as well as on addressing potential causes of inter-state conflict involving national minorities since the creation of the office at the CSCE Helsinki Summit in 1992.
The issue of inter-state conflict involving national minorities is particularly relevant, especially in light of the current Ukraine crisis. According to the HCNM, “situations involving persons belonging to ethnic groups who constitute the numerical majority in one State but the numerical minority in another (usually neighboring) State” should receive particular attention as they constitute “a potential source of inter-State tension, if not conflict.”

The Ukraine crisis can be interpreted partly as such an inter-state conflict involving national minorities between the Russian Federation and Ukraine. From the beginning of the crisis, Moscow declared that it reserved its right to enter Ukrainian territory to “protect Russian speakers.” Although President Putin has recently revoked his right to use the Russian armed forces in Ukraine (which can be interpreted as an effort to deescalate the crisis), he also emphasized at a press conference in Vienna on the 24th of June that “Russia will always protect the Russian speaking population of Ukraine” and will “keep a close eye on all events”. He also added that he hoped that he “will not have to involve the army.”

In an important statement of October 2001, the OSCE HCNM stressed that “[p]rotection of minority rights is the obligation of the State where the minority resides.” The HCNM further stated that “[a]lthough a State with a titular majority population may have an interest in persons of the same ethnicity living abroad, this does not entitle or imply, in any way, a right under international law to exercise jurisdiction over these persons.” The 2008 OSCE Bolzano Recommendations on National Minorities in Inter-State Relations echo this 2001 HCNM statement and provide 19 individual recommendations to states “on how they can pursue their interests with regard to national minorities abroad without jeopardizing peace and good neighborly relations.”

On the basis of these documents, it should be clear that the Russian minorities living in eastern and southeastern Ukraine are entitled to minority rights that should be granted and provided by the Ukrainian state, while maintaining the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. It is therefore ever more important that the Ukrainian state ensures the rights of national minorities living within its territory. Minority rights include, inter alia, the use of the minority language (also including education in the minority language), participation of national minorities in public life as well as the right of national minorities to media access. In addition, some form of local autonomy and self-government within the state should be agreed between the central government in Kiev and the Russian-speaking minority in eastern and southeastern Ukraine.

The recently launched roundtables on national unity – a dialogue process which is owned by the Ukrainian government but has been suggested by the Swiss OSCE Chairmanship as part of a larger “roadmap for concrete steps forward” – aim to deescalate the situation and help the Ukraine ensure minoritiy rights. As OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter (who is also the President of Switzerland) emphasized, “[r]eaching out to all of Ukraine’s regions and political constituencies will help reverse the polarization of Ukrainian society. Broad debate about issues such as decentralization and the status of the Russian language is indispensable for an inclusive, transparent, and accountable constitutional process.”

[1] Lars-Erik Cederman, ‘Nationalism and Ethnicity’, in W. Carlsnaes, T. Risse and B. A. Simmons (eds), Handbook of International Relations, Sage, London, Los Angeles, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC, 2002, p. 410.

[2] Thomas J. Biersteker, ‘State, Sovereignty and Territory’, in Handbook of International Relations, p. 159.

Stephanie Liechtenstein is the Website Editor for Security and Human Rights, formerly Helsinki Monitor.
Редактирано: 1 път. Последна промяна от: проф. дървингов
проф. дървингов
13 Юли 2014 14:28
Мнения: 14,308
От: Bulgaria
източник - Euobserver

Russia seeks new veto on EU-Ukraine pact - 10.07.14 @ 19:12
By Andrew Rettman

BRUSSELS - Russia is hoping to use new talks on the EU-Ukraine trade treaty to alter the pact and to get a say on when it is implemented.

Its economic development minister, Alexei Ulukayev, is to hold the first round of the three-way talks with Ukraine’s foreign minister, Pavlo Klimkin, and the EU trade commissioner, Karl De Gucht, in Brussels on Friday (11 July).

The Russian side on Wednesday circulated a draft statement to EU institutions which, EU sources say, it would like to be published in the form of a joint communique after the talks are held.

The draft text says “the three participants … agreed” to a series of measures.

One proposed initiative is to create expert-level “consultation bodies” which can be called to meet by any of the parties at two weeks’ notice.

It says the consultations will seek to identify “measures mitigating the negative effect of such implementation on Russia and its economic operators, including amendments to the AA/DCFTA [the EU-Ukraine treaty] as needed”.

It adds: “Until such mitigating measures are agreed upon trilaterally, the trade and economic parts of the AA/DCFTA will not enter into force and none of its provisions will be applied between the parties”.

The proposals - to amend the treaty if needed, and to wait for Russia’s approval before it is implemented - are seen as “red lines” by Ukraine, however.

A Ukrainian diplomatic source told EUobserver “this is once again vivid proof about the real intentions of the Russian Federation”.

“First they tried to use their influence on certain [EU] member states to delay the signature of the treaty. Now they are trying to postpone the ratification and implementation”.

An EU diplomat noted the Russian proposal is “open-ended” in terms of timing, meaning the treaty could be delayed indefinitely if Russia gets its way.

European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso has in the past said Russia cannot have “a veto” on relations between the EU and Ukraine.

“Nothing has changed in the substance of our position”, an EU official told this website on Thursday.

“It's not certain that we will issue any kind of joint statement after tomorrow’s meeting,” the official added.

EU leaders and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed the treaty at a highly-publicised ceremony in Brussels on 27 June.

At the time, Poroshenko promised Ukraine's parliament would vote on ratification before it breaks for summer. A clause in the DCFTA says it can enter into life “provisionally” without waiting for ratification by the 28 EU member states.

The strategic pact means Ukraine can have free trade with Russia but is legally bound to stay out of its Eurasian Union.

It also puts Ukraine on the path to potential future EU membership by making it align its laws and commercial standards with the EU rulebook.

The Russian mission to the EU could not immediately comment on the draft joint statement.
проф. дървингов
28 Юли 2014 17:08
Мнения: 14,308
От: Bulgaria
der Spiegel

US Loses Patience with Europe: Washington Wants Tough Russia Sanctions
By Gregor Peter Schmitz in Brussels AFP

Running out of patience: US President Barack Obama says the downing in Ukraine of a Malaysia Airlines flight should serve as a "wakeup call" for Europe on Russia and Vladimir Putin.

Following the downing of the Malaysia Airlines flight in eastern Ukraine, calls are growing in Washington for tough sanctions against Moscow. Many European governments are still hesitating, paving the way for the next big trans-Atlantic row.

Usually, it takes quite an effort for the ambassador of a European Union member state in Washington to raise the attention of the American government. But lately, it hasn't been difficult at all. "The calls and requests just don't stop," said one European diplomat in the US capital.

The shooting down of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 17 over eastern Ukraine, presumably by pro-Russian separatists, is considered to be a game changer in Washington -- an event of such magnitude that the status quo is no longer possible. All 298 passengers on board the Boeing 777 perished in the crash.

Washington officials have been clear with the Europeans about the lessons it has learned from the disaster, namely that EU members should adopt a tougher stance in its dealings with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Even prior to the Flight MH 17 disaster, pressure for additional sanctions in Washington had been growing. Bloomberg reported that Deputy National Security Advisor Anthony Blinken held a closed-door meeting a week ago with EU ambassadors to inform them of the actions Washington would like to see Europe take.

The Americans are proposing an end to EU weapons deliveries to Russia. With orders on the books for two Mistral-class amphibious assault ships for Russia worth €1.2 billion ($1.6 billion), that move could hit France particularly hard. The White House also says it would like to see further restrictions placed on Russia's access to money and capital markets.

Washington Doesn't Want Further Excuses

The US government's message is clear: Impatience is growing over the constant excuse given by the Europeans that they can't afford to isolate Russia for economic and energy policy reasons. Public statements given by President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry are getting brisker, with both speaking in unison of a "wakeup call for Europe."

On Sunday, Kerry told ABC News there was "powerful" evidence suggesting that the Russians had provided both training and weapons to the rebels.

In US government circles, many believe the Europeans will go along with sanctions this time. "This tragedy is so enormous, and above all so palpable for European countries like the Netherlands, that the Europeans will finally have to move decisively against Putin," says Jack Janes of the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies in Washington. Some 189 of the passengers who perished on board Flight MH 17 were Dutch citizens.

Will the Europeans be swayed this time? Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt and his Polish colleague Radoslaw Sikorski have both called for tougher sanctions against Moscow. And British Defense Minister Michael Fallon has accused Russia of "sponsored terrorism".

Although they threatened there would be "consequences" for Moscow over the weekend, EU members Italy, Germany and France have remained hesitant about applying further sanctions.

Many EU leaders believe that sufficient action was taken at a summit last week in which they expanded current sanctions that are largely focused on banning travel and blocking the foreign bank accounts of oligarch billionaires who support Russian decision-makers.

Hesitance in Europe

It remains uncertain whether EU foreign ministers meeting in Brussels on Tuesday will go beyond a general discussion of the shooting down of the Malaysia Airlines flight to actually agree on further punitive measures. The French government is also opposed to British calls to penalize the entire Russian defense sector.

Cameron is now considering an alternative embargo applying only to new weapons deals with Russia, which would exclude the French Mistral sale. That deal was approved by former French President Nicolas Sarkozy in 2011.

His successor, François Hollande, said earlier this week that the first helicopter carrier is nearly complete and would be delivered as planned in October. However, he said delivery of a second ship would depend on Russia's attitude in the Ukraine crisis.

Obama's government is expected to wait until after the EU foreign ministers meet on Tuesday, but administration officials are already preparing the next steps, with measures aimed at Russia's financial sector. Officials are also considering an export ban on dual-use technologies that can be used for both civil or military applications.

Heather Conley, a Europe expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, believes trans-Atlantic relations could be put to the test again if the United States and Europe don't pull together. "The Americans know that sanctions again Russia will only work if the Europeans take part," she says. "After all, the EU has far greater trade with Russia than the Americans do."

Trans-Atlantic policy expert Janes says that expectations are accordingly high. "People here are following very closely just how prepared EU member states are for sanctions -- especially Germany, which is so strong economically," he says.
проф. дървингов
28 Юли 2014 17:12
Мнения: 14,308
От: Bulgaria
Der Spiegel, редакционна статия, от същия ден

Stopping Putin: The Time Has Come for Europe to Act

Vladimir Putin has ignored Western demands that he cease arming and supporting pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine. As such, he shares responsibility for the shooting down of MH17. It is now time for Europe to take tough action.

The Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crash site is a nightmare, with body parts still lying among the sunflowers. Fully 298 people were murdered here while the entire world became witness to marauding bandits in uniform robbing the dead and taking their dignity in the process.

Here, in the eastern Ukrainian steppe, Vladimir Putin has shown his true face. Once seen as a statesman, the Russian president has exposed himself as a pariah of the international community. The MH17 dead are also his; he is partially responsible for the shooting down of the flight. And now, the moment has come to force him to back down -- with severe economic sanctions.

Nobody in the West continues to harbor serious doubts that the plane was shot down with a Buk surface-to-air missile system -- one that was almost certainly provided to the pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine by Russia. One separatist leader even admitted that they possessed such a system -- and the evidence is substantial.

It may be that the shooting down of MH17 was a tragic error. The fighter who launched the missile didn't likely intend to shoot down a commercial aircraft. Still, the incident is the direct consequence of the recent weeks Russia has spent arming the separatists. It is a symbol of Putin's depravity -- and for the failure of Western policy thus far. The wreckage of MH17 is also the wreckage of diplomacy.

While the West initially imposed but mild sanctions and demanded a policy of de-escalation, Putin repeatedly escalated the conflict while vociferously proclaiming his irreproachability. He continually insisted that he wasn't behind the separatists. This web of lies, propaganda and deceit has now been exposed.

Achieving Deterence

The ties between Putin and the separatists are not difficult to see. While it may not be possible to completely control the men in eastern Ukraine -- that is a problem faced by all who engage in proxy warfare -- Putin armed them and he can curb their activities. All demands that he do so have thus far been ignored. Even after the murder of 298 innocent civilians, there has not been a word of contrition or dissociation from Putin.

Europe can no longer continue as before. The agreement among the European Union's 28 member states to impose severe sanctions on Russia was the right move. Among the measures proposed is a boycott of Russian banks as well as a ban on exporting arms and energy technology. It is now crucial that EU member states this week actually enact the full range of measures to put a crimp in the Russian economy and, should it become necessary, to broaden them.

Demanding tough measures to force Russia to back down is not akin to being a warmonger. The only one who has fanned the flames of war in the Ukraine without constraint and who, since the annexation of the Crimea peninsula, insists on gambling with peace in Europe is the president of Russia. It is imperative that Europeans exhaust all non-military means of bringing pressure to bear on Moscow. The goal is deterrence, not escalation, and for that to work, the measures must be credible.

To achieve deterrence, it is imperative that Europe act together and dispense with national selfishness. As long as France continues to insist on delivering warships to the Russians and the British continue coveting profits earned from Russian oligarchs, the EU will be unable to impress Putin. Germany's government and business leaders deserve praise for their willingness to support severe penalties -- even though they are sure to hurt German exports.

Europe can absorb the consequences of such sanctions. Russia cannot. It is economically vulnerable and is in need of Western investment and technology, particularly in the energy sector.

Still, there is no guarantee that sanctions will rapidly have the desired effect. Putin's initial reaction could very well be one of aggression, the imposition of countermeasures. But chances are that he will ultimately have to give in. His rule has thus far depended on keeping the elite quiet by ensuring that they can continue to enrich themselves. He likely would be unable to resist were Russian businessmen, oligarchs and liberals to exert significant pressure. A further devaluation of the ruble, furthermore, would hurt the population at large, which has supported Putin thus far.

Europe, and we Germans, will certainly have to pay a price for sanctions. But the price would be incomparably greater were Putin allowed to continue to violate international law. Peace and security in Europe would then be in serious danger.
Meto ot Interneto
28 Юли 2014 19:22
Мнения: 17,783
От: Bulgaria
Актуалното, от днес, е че киевската хунта не дава разрешение на австралийците и холандците да отидат на мястото на катастрофата. Холандците също питали парашенката откъде знае какви са записите от черната кутия, след като самите те още не ги знаели.

проф. дървингов
03 Авг 2014 13:41
Мнения: 14,308
От: Bulgaria
...балистични ракети, изстреляни от украинците, Кери звъни по нощите на Лавров, реанимират априлските договорки, нещо трябваше да се проведе в Минск - моля, ако имате информация по тези въпроси, обадете - за боевете на фронта ни заливат със сведения (и двете страни).
анастаси сиров
03 Авг 2014 15:56
Мнения: 9,352
От: Bulgaria
Де да знам.Натисни тук
03 Авг 2014 16:08
Мнения: 5,494
От: Bulgaria
От горния линк един от коментарите:

Глава администрации крупнейшего профсоюза Великобритании Unite the Union Эндрю Мюррэй призвал правительство Кэмерона воздержаться от поддержки "фашиствующей" власти в Киеве, сообщает британская газета Daily Mail.
В ходе своей речи на собрании в честь открытия организации "Солидарность с антифашистским сопротивлением на Украине", Эндрю Мюррэй заявил о недопустимости "продолжения репрессий на востоке Украины".
"Мы должны потребовать от правительства остановить поддержку расширения ЕС и НАТО и прекратить поддерживать правительство в Киеве", — отметил лидер профсоюза.
В целом, Мюррэй решительно осудил украинское правительство, сказав, что его политика "направлена на истребление своего собственного народа".
Ранее глава профсоюза Лен МакКласки также заявлял о своей поддержке украинских ополченцев, приняв, как и Эндрю Мюррэй, участие в создании и организации работы группы "Солидарность с антифашистским сопротивлением на Украине".

Не знам английски и не мога да го търся дали е вярно, а няма линк откъде е
Но английските профсъюзи не са за пренебрегване

Редактирано: 1 път. Последна промяна от: Село_
анастаси сиров
03 Авг 2014 16:18
Мнения: 9,352
От: Bulgaria
Кое е пропаганда? Натисни тук
анастаси сиров
03 Авг 2014 17:23
Мнения: 9,352
От: Bulgaria
Свобода на словото Натисни тук
05 Авг 2014 19:20
Мнения: 15,029
От: Bulgaria
Колко е вярно - не знам... Другаде все още не е казано/отречено...

Александър Дугин: Прошла информация, что Ярош умер после ранения

Натисни тук
Редактирано: 1 път. Последна промяна от: Ганий
05 Авг 2014 20:33
Мнения: 15,029
От: Bulgaria
Печерский районный суд Киева принял решение о принудительной доставке в суд для избрания меры пресечения в виде содержания под стражей министра обороны России Сергея Шойгу, российского бизнесмена Константина Малафеева, а также депутатов Государственной думы России Владимира Жириновского, Геннадия Зюганова и Сергея Миронова. Об этом РБК-Украина заявил спикер Генеральной прокуратуры Юрий Бойченко.

Натисни тук

Трудни времена за Шойгу!
Редактирано: 1 път. Последна промяна от: Ганий
проф. дървингов
07 Авг 2014 10:37
Мнения: 14,308
От: Bulgaria
Натисни тук

In a damning report dated Aug 3, headlined “Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts”, Associated Press reporter Robert Parry said “some US intelligence sources had concluded that the rebels and Russia were likely not at fault and that it appears Ukrainian government forces were to blame”.

This new revelation was posted on GlobalResearch, an independent research and media organisation.

In a statement released by the Ukrainian embassy on Tuesday, Kiev denied that its fighters were airborne during the time MH17 was shot down. This follows a statement released by the Russian Defence Ministry that its air traffic control had detected Ukrainian Air Force activity in the area on the same day.

They also denied all allegations made by the Russian government and said the country’s core interest was in ensuring an immediate, comprehensive, transparent and unbiased international investigation into the tragedy by establishing a state commission comprising experts from the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and Eurocontrol.

“We have evidence that the plane was downed by Russian-backed terrorist with a BUK-M1 SAM system (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation reporting name SA-11) which, together with the crew, had been supplied from Russia. This was all confirmed by our intelligence, intercepted telephone conversations of the terrorists and satellite pictures.

“At the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have never used any anti-aircraft missiles since the anti-terrorist operations started in early April,” the statement read.

Yesterday, the New Straits Times quoted experts who had said that photographs of the blast fragmentation patterns on the fuselage of the airliner showed two distinct shapes — the shredding pattern associated with a warhead packed with “flechettes”, and the more uniform, round-type penetration holes consistent with that of cannon rounds.

Parry’s conclusion also stemmed from the fact that despite assertions from the Obama administration, there has not been a shred of tangible evidence to support the conclusion that Russia supplied the rebels with the BUK-M1 anti-aircraft missile system that would be needed to hit a civilian jetliner flying at 33,000 feet.

Parry also cited a July 29 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation interview with Michael Bociurkiw, one of the first Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) investigators to arrive at the scene of the disaster, near Donetsk.

Bociurkiw is a Ukrainian-Canadian monitor with OSCE who, along with another colleague, were the first international monitors to reach the wreckage after flight MH17 was brought down over eastern Ukraine.

In the CBC interview, the reporter in the video preceded it with: “The wreckage was still smouldering when a small team from the OSCE got there. No other officials arrived for days”.

“There have been two or three pieces of fuselage that have been really pockmarked with what almost looks like machinegun fire; very, very strong machinegun fire,” Bociurkiw said in the interview.

Parry had said that Bociurkiw’s testimony is “as close to virgin, untouched evidence and testimony as we’ll ever get. Unlike a black-box interpretation-analysis long afterward by the Russian, British or Ukrainian governments, each of which has a horse in this race, this testimony from Bociurkiw is raw, independent and comes from one of the two earliest witnesses to the physical evidence.

“That’s powerfully authoritative testimony. Bociurkiw arrived there fast because he negotiated with the locals for the rest of the OSCE team, who were organising to come later,” Parry had said.

Retired Lufthansa pilot Peter Haisenko had also weighed in on the new shootdown theory with Parry and pointed to the entry and exit holes centred around the cockpit.
“You can see the entry and exit holes. The edge of a portion of the holes is bent inwards. These are the smaller holes, round and clean, showing the entry points most likely that of a 30mm caliber projectile.

“The edge of the other, the larger and slightly frayed exit holes, show shreds of metal pointing produced by the same caliber projectiles. Moreover, it is evident that these exit holes of the outer layer of the double aluminum reinforced structure are shredded or bent — outwardly.”

He deduced that in order to have some of those holes fraying inwardly, and the others fraying outwardly, there had to have been a second fighter firing into the cockpit from the airliner’s starboard side. This is critical, as no surface-fired missile (or shrapnel) hitting the airliner could possibly punch holes into the cockpit from both sides of the plane.

“It had to have been a hail of bullets from both sides that brought the plane down. This is Haisenko’s main discovery. You can’t have projectiles going in both directions — into the left-hand-side fuselage panel from both its left and right sides — unless they are coming at the panel from different directions.

“Nobody before Haisenko had noticed that the projectiles had ripped through that panel from both its left side and its right side. This is what rules out any ground-fired missile,” Parry had said.

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