Мето, ти поне си брунет , айде помисли още един път Не ща да тш намеквам, че съм ********** поддръжник на оная резолуция на ООН-то, дето Парата ще каже номера, аз числа не помня освен 531953... ако ме разбираш... Нее! Не смея да си кажа, да не ме налазят ония напасти египетски Динаина и Бенедикт! А за режисьорката - или добро или нищо. Е, та аз - нищо не казах. Освен дето че хич биля не е била репресирана. Редактирах си една мръсна дума Редактирано от - Шломо З. на 25/2/2009 г/ 23:44:55 |
Абе шломо, не разбирам нито числото, нито брунета, ама ми звучи яко. Затова нема ти отговарям уклончиво. |
Каква омраза? Защо чак пък омраза? Тези са толкова комплексирани и нищожни , че друго освен презрение не заслужават. Това разбира се не се отнася за обикновените български граждани с турско самосъзнание, а само за форумните помаци и чалмалии! Никога не съм имал проблеми с турци, но тези тук просто са предизвикателно нагли! |
Турците каква търпимост показаха към българите живеещи на територията на днешна Турция? А гърците, сърбите, румънците? За Македония по-добре и да не пита, че там хем са все българи тези дето не са косовци, хем се дърпат, че не са, а с тези дето се осъзнават какви са как се отнасят? |
Някои са решили да развалят и този форум. тук поне можеше да се спори на културно ниво. Но днес стила отиде по дяволите. Дано е само днес. На българина все друг му е виновен. То и затова политиците си правят каквото си искат, като занаят какъв разединен народ сме. |
Числото, с извинение, е есхатологично. Нарича се Аharit ha-yamim, Краят на дните демек. При внимателно вглеждане ще установиш, че е настъпил отдавна. Редактирано от - Шломо З. на 25/2/2009 г/ 23:04:01 |
Няма лоши народи , има лоши хора независимо от народноста - епа оно не требе многу акъл това да се разбере . Словесната "балканска война" / кой, кого , къде, защо и т.н. / която някои люти форумци от двете страни на форумната барикада се опитват да водят си е чиста донкихотщина на фона на съвременните световни проблеми . |
Абе верно си е че във времената на световна финансова филоксера си е някак дребнаво да си подвикваме на ибрици и неблагодарна рая, ама пък друго си е да препсуеш комишята, на човек някак си уютно му става, все едно е пръднал под одеялото и се завил презглава, да му замирише на себе си......... Оревоар, резервоар, самовар и лекар с нож на всички участници в дискусията и С комсомолски привет и пожелание всеки да има своя My way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGa YD40Gxu0 |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turks_in_Bulg aria It is time for people living in Bulgaria to accept the sad truth of what happened to Turks in 1989 and prior years. |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulgaria .... In 632, the Bulgars, an ancient nation that formed numerous kingdoms[10][11][12] throughout Eurasia and stemmed from a largely enigmatic socio-cultural lineage (theorised as of either Indo-European[10][11][12][verification needed] or Turkic descent), originally from Central Asia, [10][11][12] formed under the leadership of Khan Kubrat an independent state called Great Bulgaria, situated between the lower course of the Danube to the west, the Black Sea and the Azov Sea to the south, the Kuban River to the east, and the Donets River to the north.[13] .... |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Помаци Pomaks (Bulgarian: Помаци, Greek: Π ο μ ά κ ο ι , Turkish: Pomaklar) are a Bulgarian-speaking Muslim population group native to some parts of Bulgaria, specifically southern Bulgaria, and the adjacent parts of Greece and Turkey. Members of the group today declare a variety of ethnic identities, Bulgarian, Turkish, Pomak[1][2][3] or Muslim.[4] Historically they are usually considered descendants of Bulgarians who converted to Islam during the Ottoman rule of the Balkans, [5] although some alternative narratives of their historical identity have been proposed[6] and, according to some authors, their precise origins remain unknown.[7] Pomaks speak the dialects of Bulgarian language as mother tongue[8][9][10][11] and are fluent in Turkish in Greece and Turkey.[12][13] |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turks_in_Bulg aria Turks in Bulgaria During Communist Rule (1945 to 1989) Initial Improvements (1944-1956) ... The new constitution had many provisions regarding minority protection and in particular guaranteed the right to mother tongue education and free development of culture for all national minorities. [39].... The Assimilation Policy (1956-1989) Starting in 1956, the regime gradually began to embark on a long-term assimilation policy towards Muslims and/or Turks in Bulgaria, which was routinely pursued with more or less intensity until the end of Communist rule and culminated in two periods of intensive campaigns, each lasting several years.[46] The most wide-ranging and public one, directed against the Turks, took place in 1984-1985[47] and was officially called "the Revival Process" (a term also used, though more rarely, for the other large campaign, which was organized against the Pomak identity in 1971-1974[48]). ....... Campaign against the Pomaks The assimilation policy targeted first the Bulgarian speaking Muslim population the Pomaks, continuing the practice of the pre-Communist regime. Some of the methods used by “Rodina” where adopted by the Communist regime and the Pomaks were systematically targeted mainly in 1964 and 1970-1974.......... The "Revival Process" ................American writer-reporter Robert Kaplan who visited Bulgaria in 1985 describes the forced Bulgarization of Bulgaria's Turkish minority as follows: It usually happened in the middle of the night. The number of army half-tracks and the blinding glare of searchlights would disturb the sleep of an ethnic Turkish village. Militiamen would then burst into every home and thrust a photocopied form in front of the man of the house, in which he was to write the new Bulgarian names of every member of his family. Those who refused or hesitated, watched as their wives or daughters were raped by the militiamen. According to Amnesty International and Western diplomats, the militiamen beat up thousands and executed hundreds. Thousands more were imprisoned or driven into internal exile.[55] .................. On December 24 1984 Bulgarian police and security forces fired the first shots against the Turkish community in the village of Mlechino (Млечино). ........... The Bulgarian police and security forces were prepared and awaiting with some 500 armed men in positions. When the crowd of 2000 Turkish villagers approached the Bulgarian security forces opened fire with automatic weapons wounding 8 people of which 3 women and killing 4. One of the killed was a 17-month old baby Tü rken.............. In demonstrations in Momchilgrad (Момчилград) at least one 16 year old youngster was shot and killed and there are reports of casualties also in Dzhebel (Джебел). ................. Get your facts stright and then talk, please..... |
It is time for people living in Turkey to accept the sad truth of what happened to Bulgarians in 1913 and prior years. |
49000 помаци ли? то само в нашето село са повече ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЕ-да постегнем още малко коланите...да се мобилизират малкото останали идиоти в БГ които владеят добре-английски, немски и италиански!Дасе задължат циганорите да прекарат интензивен курс по език който пожелаят и накрая-безплатен еднопосочен билет с първа класа за където и да е!Па там да ги итнегрират подпомагат и прочие! |
Д-р Гилотен two wrongs don't make a right, now, does it? This is actually valid for people from both sides. The fact of the matter though is that Bulgarians despise Turks more than Turks despise Bulgarians. You can come up with many points to counteract the subject in question. That still won't change the truth of what happened to Turks in Bulgaria. One interesting point I would like to make as a Turk who after 1989 is no longer part of the Bulgarian society. We never intended to separate any part of Bulgaria at any time. We never held arms against Bulgaria. We only asked for what was rightfully ours: our names and no one interfering with the way I believe or do not believe in god. By the way I'm one of the Turks who was fully integrated with the Bulgarian society. Were it not for Todor Jivkov every Turk had already started forgetting their roots. Some Turks were even speaking Bulgarian at home. Bulgarians are afraid to admit they have Proto-Bulgars and Slav mixed ancestry. The word Turk has never identified a specific race or group of people. Webster dictionary reads: a member of any of numerous Asian peoples speaking Turkic languages who live in a region extending from the Balkans to eastern Siberia and western China Bulgarians and their low self esteem is making them believe that they belong to a single clean Bulgarian race, which has never been true. Some Bulgarians make comments like Turks should go back to Central Asia in this and other forums on the internet. I attribute this to their ignorance. They forget that part of their own ancestors came in fact from Central Asia. Bulgarians embrace Kubrat and Asparuh, without even realizing who they are and where they came from. Or rather do not want to acknowledge their origins. By the way this does not change their origins either. Some people here do not want to accept what happened to Turks in Bulgaria between 1984-1989. It doesn't matter if you accept it or not. I'm living memory of these times. My father was sent to jail for 2 years and then 2 years in exile in Mihaylovgrad without ever being charged with any wrongdoing. So you can convince others, but not me as to what really occurred in those dark days of Narodna Republica Bilgaria. I wanted to be able to write this in Bulgarian, but unfortunately after 20 years it is somewhat difficult for me to relay my thoughts in Bulgarian. Anyway, what happened happened, but I still see that some of you want to continue the fight. It is totally up to you. It doesn't make a difference to me. But never forget that Turks are a welcoming nation and always ready to shake your hand, if and when you reconcile with your past and your thoughts. This is the reason, why even after 500 years of "IGO" (that is still the way you call it I suppose) so many nations like your got to keep their language and culture. Whereas a lot of north African nations have lost their identity under the European IGO in far lesser amount of time. |
Kircali, "Two wrongs don't make a right, now, do they?" - Ние, българите казваме-" Бой и изнасилване не се връщат!" "This is actually valid for people from both sides."- Напълно съм съгласен. "The fact of the matter though is that Bulgarians despise Turks more than Turks despise Bulgarians."- Питам-как го установихте този факт? Някакво социологическо изследване ли сте провели? Повечето от представящите се за турци, повтарям представящите се за турци, в този форум се държат изключително агресивно, невъзпитано и глупаво, но аз не бих стигнал до извода, че турците са такива или онакива. Ако ви е по-лесно да си мислите, че другите ви мразят по-вече от вас-ваша воля, не съм човекът, който може да ви попречи. "That still won't change the truth of what happened to Turks in Bulgaria."-Съгласен. "We never intended to separate any part of Bulgaria at any time."- Кои сте това "Ние"? Румели, Огури, Аслан, сивите вълци, професорите по пантюркизъм? "We never held arms against Bulgaria."-Кои сте това "Ние"? Турската армия в Източна Тракия, която винаги е била неколкократно по-голяма от цялата Българска армия, сигурно е била и е предназначена за превземане на Виена? "We only asked for what was rightfully ours: our names and no one interfering with the way I believe or do not believe in god."-Съгласен. Но това важи за всеки човек включително и за кюрдите. "Bulgarians are afraid to admit they have Proto-Bulgars and Slav mixed ancestry." Всеки български учебник по история започва с пра-българи, славяни и траки като основни съставки на българската народност. Така, че Вашето Kircali твърдение или е плод на неосведоменост или преднамерен опит за твърдене на неистини. "Bulgarians and their low self esteem is making them believe that they belong to a single clean Bulgarian race, which has never been true." Има и такива у нас, но са много малко и много ми приличат на пантюркистите с тази разлика, че не искат да шибат Европата. П.П. Съжалявам, но ще продължа по-късно. [/u] |