букварче да ви препоръчам? Разбирам затруднението ти, но не мога да помогна. В линка на Йезуита пише какви са условията и какво трябва да се прави според международните норми, ако някой радар не ти работи. Налага се да се заявява. Ако не е заявен - счита се за изправно работещ. Ама пусто разгилдяйство - мислели са си, че ще мине номерът. Е, не минал. |
Верно казваш, Летецо. Да се оправят рки-то и Йезуита помежду си, после може да се говори. Лека вечер! |
Летеца не знае какво иска да каже, но го казва много убедено. Ей, дочаках да смените плочата "научете се да четете"... |
И по-активно, още по-активно! Биг брадър гледа и оценява! Вие вашата плоча за съжаление не я сменяте. Не ви е дадено. Та какво все пак се опитваше да кажеш? Че украинците не са имали работещ първичен радар, а руснаците са имали - и не са запазили необработените данни? Да, така е. | |
Редактирано: 1 път. Последна промяна от: Iezuit |
Та какво все пак се опитваше да кажеш? Опитвам се да кажа, че не вярвам на украинците. Защото съм силно озадачен, че могат да оставят без първично радарно покритие зона на бойни действия. Над които летят свои самолети. И където, ако се вярва на приказките им, има реална заплаха от нахлуване на чужди войски. Може да са тъпаци, както сам предположи ( надявам се rki да не влиза в ролята на личен адвокат и да ме пита къде и кога си го казал баш с тези думи ), обаче не вярвам чак да са толкова... И да припомня, че не съм само аз озадаченият. | |
Редактирано: 1 път. Последна промяна от: letec55 |
Вие вашата плоча за съжаление не я сменяте. Е то пък човек да не каже нещо по-така... rki-то с неговите плочи таз вечер ме води с пет на два, обаче аз не пускам тъжни емотикони. Докачливостта е самонатоварващо се качество. Пречи... |
@rki 19 Фев 2016 00:07 btw - за неспособните да четат съм дал линк: rki 18 Фев 2016 23:50 Мнения: 16,234 Я, пълна аматьорщина -- хем обвинявате някого, че не може да чете, хем му давате връзка да чете, вместо да обясните какво пише в нея с думи прости и изречения кратки, както прави летеца например |
oldie but goldie мисля, че не е било обсъждано от форумните титани (къде са Спас и котарака, защо специалист по рублите и нефта се произнася като истина от последна инстанция по въпроси, от които нищо не разбира), четете непредубедено. target=_blank id=url>Натисни тук MH17 evidence may be compromised by Ukrainian secret service: Telegraaf Crime Politics December 15, 2015 Legal experts are forecasting substantial problems in an eventual criminal case involving those responsible for downing MH17 with the loss of 289 lives, the Telegraaf said on Tuesday. The paper says the Ukraine secret service SBU, which is delivering a large part of the evidence, is currently surrounded by rumour and potential corruption which may have an impact on the reliability of key material in the case. The SBU has provided the investigation with tapped phone conversations between pro-Russian rebels shortly before the Malaysia Airlines plane was brought down by a rocket. The Ukrainians were also closely involved in collecting the bodies, wreckage and rocket parts. Among the potential difficulties identified by the paper: Former SBU chief Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, who was sacked in June, has been suggested as the brain behind the Hoorn museum art thefts, the Telegraaf said. The works are now in Ukrainian criminal hands. The ongoing investigation into corrupt Limburg policeman Mark M is also linked to Ukraine. He is said to have had a network of ‘gangsters and members of the secret service’. The paper states that this summer, 22 SBU spies were locked up for corruption and other criminal behaviour The ‘noise’ is guaranteed to play a role in any legal case, criminal law professor Theo de Roos told the paper. ‘That goes for the defence but also the judges who will have to look critically at the evidence. The public prosecution department should be looking now rather than later at the integrity of the evidence.’ Questions The Christian Democrats have described the various SBU scandals as a major risk to the MH17 criminal investigation and want justice minister Ard van der Steur to make a statement. ‘There is little actual evidence,’ said MP Pieter Omtzigt. ‘What there is, may have been compromised to some extent. The evidence was collected too late and now appears to have been collected by dishonest people.’ International law professor Geert-Jan Knoops said there needs to be more effort made to authenticate the evidence. ‘For example, we need to now how the SBU selected the telephone conversations and who was involved in their selection,’ he said. Read more at DutchNews.nl: MH17 evidence may be compromised by Ukrainian secret service: Telegraaf http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2015/12/mh17-evidence-may-be-compromised-by-ukrainian-secret-service-telegraaf/ |
...и нещо старо (от края на 2014) но показателно, има редица интересни изказвания, хипотези и обстоятелства - нищо не се е променило от тогава - и тогава и сега няма информация дали американските сателитни снимки са представени (бяха обещани веднага след падането на самолета), по-скоро не са, поне така твърди американската преса (линкове си търсете сами), интервюто потвръждава универсалния подход на Джен Псаки да се събира информация чрез мрежата. няма разумно обяснение защо украинците (за които има съмнения, че са свалили самолета) са част от разследващия криминален екип, а руснаците не сам 29/10/2014 Fred Westerbeke, born in 1962, directs the Dutch public prosecutor, the Department for investigations of terrorism and organized crime at home and abroad. He is coordinating the criminal processing in the MH17 case. As part of a joint investigation Commission (JIT) Malaysia, Australia and the Ukraine are also involved in it. Der Spiegel interviews Fred Westerbeke from the Dutch Department for investigations of terrorism and organized crime at home and abroad. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Mr. Westerbeke, your job as chief prosecutor sounds hardly solvable: MH17 flight was shot down over a civil war zone, even now, three months later, your crime scene investigator for is not available. What gives you hope someday to be able to bring someone to court? Westerbeke: The Netherlands does not determine in the case so alone. There is a very good cooperation with police and prosecutors, especially in Malaysia, Australia and the Ukraine. BTW, we can gain a lot of experience with similar cases, in connection with the genocide in Rwanda, for example, or with war crimes in Afghanistan. Also there you will find hardly any witnesses, no written documents that could be used as evidence. So As to your question: It is not easy. But we can do it. SPIEGEL ONLINE: In what period of time? Westerbeke: Look at Lockerbie … SPIEGEL ONLINE: … the bombing of a Pan Am jumbo in December 1988 with 270 deaths. Westerbeke: At that time, it took three years before you could name those responsible. I do not mean that it will take a long time just as in MH17 flight, but it takes a long breath. We will certainly need the whole next year for our work, and perhaps even longer. SPIEGEL ONLINE: The Federal Intelligence Service BND assumes that pro-Russian separatists have shot down the machine with a surface to air missile. Recently some German parliamentarians corresponding satellite images were presented. Do you know these recordings? Westerbeke: Unfortunately, we do not know to what images it involved concrete. The problem is that there are very many different satellite images: Some of them can be found on the Internet, others come from foreign intelligence agencies. SPIEGEL ONLINE: High-resolution images, for example from US spy satellites could play a crucial role in the investigation of the case. Did you get those shots of the Americans? Westerbeke: We are not sure if we already have everything, or whether there are more – material that may be even more specific. What we present is certainly not enough to draw any conclusions. We remain in contact with the United States to get satellite images. SPIEGEL ONLINE: The shooting down of flight MH17 is the biggest criminal case in the history of your country, it says. How many investigators are currently working? Westerbeke: In the Netherlands alone there are ten prosecutors. Three of them coordinate the investigation, two work at the international level. Two more are responsible for the care of relatives. In addition, forensic experts, also around 80 policemen. There are regular meetings with colleagues from Malaysia, Australia and the Ukraine, to divide the work. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Because being fought at the crash site again and again, was so far none of your investigators on site, about to collect debris. But that would be important only to determine the weapon system used. On which tracks you rely instead? Westerbeke: There are metal fragments that were found in the bodies of the dead and in pieces of luggage. This could be shrapnel from a rocket-Buk, possibly also parts of the aircraft itself. We analyze this, so far there are no results. We also have some witnesses who were on the spot immediately after the crash. In the Internet we spot an immense amount of information, we also various recordings of telephone conversations before, which has recorded the Ukrainian police. Some of it is already available online, but we did get richer material. SPIEGEL ONLINE: So far, there is no indisputable evidence? Westerbeke: Yes. If you look in the newspapers, however, it always looks as if quite clear what happened to the aircraft and who is to blame. But if we really want to bring the perpetrators to justice or, we need evidence and more than a recorded phone call from the internet or photos of the crash site. That’s why we not only attract a scenario into consideration, but several. SPIEGEL ONLINE: What are the scenarios? Westerbeke: first we have drawn four possible explanations considered for the crash of Flight MH17: An accident, a terrorist attack, the shooting down by a surface to air missile or an attack by another aircraft. After the publication of the interim report by the Dutch Security OVV … SPIEGEL ONLINE: … where the crash is attributed to a variety of fast flying objects that have riddled the outside of the machine … Westerbeke: … fall off the accident and the terror scenario. The other two remain. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Moscow circulated for some time, the version, the passenger plane had been shot down by a Ukrainian fighter jet. Do you think it possible? Westerbeke: Based on the available information, the launch is by a ground-to-air missile in my eyes is still the most likely scenario. But we do not close our eyes to the possibility that it might have been different. SPIEGEL ONLINE: In the OVV report states that there were no military jets in the vicinity have been. Westerbeke: Right. But this statement is based on information that was available at the time the OVV. The question is: Do the Russians possibly more? SPIEGEL ONLINE: Your Prime Minister Mark Rutte has recently criticized Vladimir Putin because of his lack of support in the MH17 case. What is the role of Russia in the investigation? Westerbeke: At the moment, no large, since it is not part of the investigation team. We are preparing a request for assistance, in which we ask Moscow to information that could be important for us. Among other things, those radar data with which the Russians wanted to prove the presence of a Ukrainian military jet near MH17 after the crash. SPIEGEL ONLINE: If you actually draw the participation of the Ukrainian Air Force on firing of flight MH17 into consideration – is it not absurd that Ukraine is involved in the investigation? Westerbeke: Of course that’s a problem. But we can not determine without them. I want a way to make it clear: We have no evidence that Kiev would not handle completely open with us. You give us all the information we want. SPIEGEL ONLINE: In the eastern Ukraine, the winter is coming. Is there any chance that it still create your investigators this year at the crash site? Westerbeke: At the moment I do not think the right thing. It is there still very dangerous. Therefore, we work with the OVV on a plan B – if we can not get to the crash site itself, we need the debris just brought here by other means. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Suppose there is actually one day to the process – where would the place? Westerbeke: With a possible process we now deal not us. We first want to spend all resources to find those responsible for this crime. If you however ask the Netherlands, we would certainly ready to make those suspected of committing the process here. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Unknown have been entered in the case MH17 about a German private investigator $ 30 million bounty. Will you also, launch a reward? Westerbeke: So something is done more often in complicated cases. But currently we have no intention and it will certainly never go to 30 million. Incidentally, I caution anyone from making transactions with these people: No one knows who they are and what intentions they pursue. |
Я, пълна аматьорщина Напротив. Добро ниво на пропагандата и агитацията - всички използваеми пинизи са налице... |
@letec55 19 Фев 2016 09:35 „Я, пълна аматьорщина“ Напротив. Добро ниво на пропагандата и агитацията - всички използваеми пинизи са налице... Напротив, има още много какво да се желае от другата страна. |
...и един австралийски коментар, Натисни тук, приятно четене Posted on December 16, 2015 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in News The official Australian investigation into the cause of the crash of Malaysian Airlines MH17 have accused the Dutch Safety Board (DS of failing to provide “conclusive evidence” of what exactly destroyed the aircraft, and say that Russia did not shoot down the plane despite accusations to the contrary from DSB. The senior Australian policeman investigating the MH17 crash, Detective Superintendent Andrew Donoghue, testified in an international court recently saying that a “tougher standard than the DSB report” is required before the criminal investigation can identify the weapon that caused the crash. Donoghue also testified that ten months after the crash, only half of the planes fuselage fragments were handed over for inspection and that “some fragments were not consistent with debris of the aircraft”. Their criminal investigation will continue into 2016, Donoghue told the Victorian Coroners Court on Tuesday morning. He and other international investigators are unconvinced by reports from the US and Ukrainian governments, and by the DSB, of a Buk missile firing. “Dutch prosecutors require conclusive evidence on other types of missile,” Donoghue said, intimating that “initial information that the aircraft was shot down by a [Buk] surface to air missile” did not meet the Australian or international standard of evidence. The Coroners Court in Melbourne is the first in the world to hold an inquest into the MH17 crash on July 17, 2014, and the cause of death of those on board. Iain West (right), the deputy state coroner presided, after the state coroner, Judge Ian Gray, withdrew at the last minute. The inquest opened for a single hour of hearing on Tuesday. A second hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, when West will announce his findings. In the UK, where an investigation into the death of 10 British nationals, is being supervised by Leicestershire coroner, Catherine Mason, all court proceedings have been suspended without a date being set for inquest. It was reported in the Melbourne court that British post-mortem experts participated in the Dutch investigations, alongside Australian, Dutch, and German teams, plus a joint Indonesian-Malaysian group. In the Melbourne courtroom press reporters outnumbered representatives of the families of several of the victims. Of the 28 Australian citizens killed, 11 were from Victoria state; 10 were permanent residents of Australia; and 3 had close ties to Australia. A local newspaper owned by Rupert Murdoch reported from the courtroom “the Kuala Lumpur-bound Malaysia Airlines flight… was hit by a Russian-made surface-to-air missile over eastern Ukraine”. In fact, Donoghue of the AFP said this was an unverified claim by the DSB for “a missile of a type previously provided to Ukraine.” In court, in addition to members of the Coroner’s staff, there was one government intelligence agent who kept his official identification tag inside his coat, and refused to say whether he was an Australian or American national. Donoghue was the lead witness. He continues to direct a team of 22 Australian police, forensic specialists and intelligent agents stationed in The Netherlands and Ukraine. He was followed by Dr David Ranson (right), a Victorian pathologist who led a team of 4; they worked at the Dutch military base at Hilversum in July and August of 2014, after the bodies of the MH17 victims were taken there for identification and forensic analysis. Donoghue said a full report by the AFP had been included in the coroner’s evidence. Ranson has filed two reports with the coroner – one of August 25, 2014, and one on December 16, 2014. So far the Coroner has classified these documents as secret. Testifying on oath, Donoghue revealed for the first time that the Australian government had quietly negotiated two agreements to investigate the crash site in eastern Ukraine. The first, he said, was with the Ukrainian government in Kiev for security around the crash site. The second was with Novorussian leaders in order for the Australians to carry out their searches for victims’ bodies, personal property and other evidence, as well as to run a command post in Donetsk city. Political recognition by the Australians of the separatists has never been acknowledged before. Donoghue refused to say who signed the agreement for the Novorussians. For the first time also, Donoghue acknowledged publicly that the international investigators had had “no ability to collect aircraft parts or other debris”. It was not until May 2015, he added, that forensic examination of the aircraft began. The recovered aircraft wreckage was first photographed and registered in The Netherlands by the DSB. Image-1 shows the first DSB photograph, with a single hole visible. Image-2 shows that a new photograph published by DSB reveals a second hole. See here. In his testimony Donoghue said that ten months after the crash, and after Kiev officials had handed over less than half the fuselage fragments to the Dutch, the discovery was made of “some fragments not consistent with debris of the aircraft”. Had he found shrapnel from an explosive device, missile or cannon? Donoghue refused to answer. The deaths of the passengers, he testified, had been caused by “inflight breakup [of the aircraft] and immediate decompression”, not by munitions. The lack of shrapnel as evidence of cause of death is analysed here. Australian police calls for Ukrainian witnesses on the ground, who may have seen or heard what happened on the fateful day, were issued in March 2015, and then again in June. Some of those who came forward to testify refused to do so, Donoghue said Tuesday, unless the Australian and Dutch police protected them in “a safe location”; excluded Ukrainian government officials; and kept the identities of the witnesses secret. Asked whether there had been any evidence of disrespect towards the victims’ bodies on the ground – as has been claimed in reporting by the Murdoch media — Donoghue testified: “there was no evidence of disrespect towards the bodies.” Ranson, who is an associate professor of forensic pathology and deputy director of the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, told the court he and his team had spent two and half weeks studying the victims’ bodies at Hilversum. There, he confirmed, X-rays and CT scans were carried out and more than 700 autopsies. He testified that when the Australian victims’ bodies were repatriated to the morgue at the Coroners Court, another CT scan was taken of each body, and matched against the scan taken at Hilversum. Ranson’s reports ruling out the presence of shrapnel from a missile strike in any of the MH17 bodies have been kept secret to date. On oath, Ranson told Coroner West the deaths of the passengers had been caused by the aircraft breaking up. He dismissed the possibility that an oxygen mask found on a body on the ground had been worn by the victim. There was no DNA evidence to support that, and little likelihood, Ranson said, that the high-speed airflow through the aircraft at decompression would have left oxygen masks on the victims, if they had time to put them on. Death came too fast, Ranson believes. The court heard that the survivors of the crash victims have been regularly briefed and counselled by Australian Government officials. They have also been coached not to answer press questions, although one admitted his family had been allowed to meet lawyers. Three statements were given in evidence at the inquest by representatives of the victims. One from members of the Van Den Hende family — Shaliza Dewal, her husband Hans Van Den Hende and their three children Piers, 15, Marnix, 12, and daughter Margaux, 8, were killed – said media reports of the crash were unreliable and unconvincing: “we are unsure who or what to believe.” |
What did Andrew Donoghoe of Australian Federal Police testify at Coroners Court of Victoria? Натисни тук While Australian main stream media did not report much on an Australian coroner inquest, pro Russian websites suggested that Australian Federal Police disagreed with the Dutch Safety Board findings on the weapon used. All those Pro Kremlin websites based their article on a single source: Moscow based journalist John Helmer who attended the hearing in Melbourne. This blogpost will expose John Helmer as writing nonsense with the sole purpose to mislead people. Helmer is notorious for twisting facts. See an earlier example on the MH17 case. .... I was able to read the actual transcript of the inquest at December 15. Spoiler: John Helmer quoted Donoghoe on statements he did not make in the hearing. John Helmer said he interviewed Donoghoe afterwards. Two people , being Helmer and Donoghoe, can confirm what was said in that interview. It would not be logical if Donoghoe make different statements in the interview than made during the court session (under oath) . Debunking John Helmer It is weird that Pro Kremlin blogs report about the statements of Donoghoe and Western press ignore those. So time to see if we can verify what Helmer states. Luckily I was able to obtain a transcript of what Donoghoe testified. Helmer’s text is in italics. My response to Helmer’s text in bold. First the title of the blog: AUSTRALIAN POLICE, DUTCH PROSECUTORS BREAK WITH DUTCH SAFETY BOARD AT FIRST CORONER’S COURT INQUEST ON MH17 CRASH There is no indication in the article which confirms both Australian police and Dutch prosecutors break with DSB. Donoghoe stated : “The OVV had concluded that the flight MH17 was shot down with a Buk missile system. The interim findings of the criminal investigation point to that conclusion, however the Dutch Prosecution Service made it clear that in order to obtain conclusive criminal evidence it was also necessary that other scenarios – such as the possibility that MH17 was shot down by another type of missile, or that it was shot down from the air – must be ruled out convincingly. The interim findings of the criminal investigation also concur with the OVV conclusion regarding the area of the launch site. Within the scope of the criminal enquiry certain persons of interest had been identified who are of ongoing importance to the investigation.” Helmer then writes: He (Donoghoe) and other international investigators are unconvinced by reports from the US and Ukrainian governments, and by the DSB, of a Buk missile firing. and Dutch prosecutors require conclusive evidence on other types of missile,” Donoghoe said, intimating that “initial information that the aircraft was shot down by a [Buk] surface to air missile” did not meet the Australian or international standard of evidence. and a tougher standard than the DSB report” is required before the criminal investigation can identify the weapon which brought the aircraft down, or pinpoint the perpetrators. Helmer is twisting. Donoghue did not state this. There is not a single reference in the hearing from which could be concluded that Donoghou, Dutch prosecutor, JIT or the AFP are unconvinced of a BUK missile firing. JIT preliminary findings are the same as final report of DSB. Helmer just want his reader to believe a BUK missile is not the likely casue of the MH17 shot down. .... Бай ти Жон Хелмер е виден представител на Новата Журналистика... Conclusion Blogs of John Helmer are far from recording facts. It is twisting and adding stuff that fits the Kremlin agenda. | |
Редактирано: 1 път. Последна промяна от: Iezuit |
Опитвам се да кажа, че не вярвам на украинците. Не вярвате не само на украинците... Не вярвате и на холандците, на международния разследващ екип, на американците, на разследващите журналисти... Не вярвате на всеки, заподозрял пряко или непряко сепаратистите или Русия. Затова пък вярвате на Русия. С официалната пресконференция на МО, на която бяха огласени няколко разобличени в последствие лъжи, пресконференцията, на която МО попита "Какво става с испанския диспечер", с фалшивата снимка на "Стрелящото с ракета по боинга Су 25" по праймтайма на Первий с Леонтиев, Русия, от чиито медии излизат версии за "непресни трупове", подменени самолети, Капитан Волошин/Якацуц, свалил предполагаемия самолет на Путин... Ами изборът на кого да вярвате си е ваш и ще си живеете с него. Както и аз с моя де. | |
Редактирано: 2 пъти. Последна промяна от: Iezuit |
Натисни тук THE HAGUE: Dutch criminal investigators will “within months” establish the spot from where the missile that downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was fired, media reports said Friday. “The Public Prosecutor’s office will within a few months have finished its criminal probe into what type of BUK rocket was used and is expected to prove exactly where it was fired from,” the public newscaster NOS said. .... Dutch media on Friday said chief criminal investigator Fred Westerbeke said in a confidential letter that there were no film or video images of the actual missile launch. “There are also no satellite images as a result of cloud cover” over the area in war-ravaged eastern Ukraine, Westerbeke told victims’ families. Victims’ families last month urged the Dutch government to launch a global campaign to obtain primary radar images, which may help pinpoint who fired the missile. But Westerbeke wrote that Ukraine did not have the data and that investigators were still “in talks” with Moscow for their radar images, while the United States have handed over its radar data. |