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Тел Авив заплашва да обяви за "персона нонграта" пратеник на ООН

Шарон: Край на "този етап" от офанзивата

Еврокомисар обвини Израел, че пречи на кампанията срещу тероризма в света
Снимка: Ройтерс
Израелският премиер Ариел Шарон обяви вчера край на "този етап" от офанзивата на Западния бряг на р. Йордан, без да посочи кога ще започне следващият. Танковете, които от 29 март бяха окупирали Рамала, се изтеглят, предадоха световните агенции. Централата на Арафат обаче продължава да е под силна охрана. Армията се изтегли и от Наблус.

По-рано войници навлязоха в бежанския лагер Каландия между Рамала и Ерусалим и арестуваха над 15 палестинци, предаде АФП. Сред тях е Насер Хмеид, смятан, че ръководи Бригадите на мъчениците от Ал Акса за района.

Израелската военна офанзива "ползва за заложник" кампанията срещу тероризма и усложнява намирането на решение на иракския въпрос, заяви европейският комисар по външните отношения Крис Патън. Той обвини израелската армия, че системно унищожава инфраструктурите на палестинската власт. "Това няма нищо общо с борбата срещу самоубийствените атентати - подчерта Патън. - Целта е политическа и тя е да се унищожат съществуващи структури на държава и палестинско правителство." Според Патън стореното от Шарон е в пълно противоречие с дългосрочните интереси на Израел.

Европейският съюз настоя в комюнике израелските власти да разрешат на представители на лекарски и хуманитарни организации да посетят палестинските селища, както предвижда резолюция 1405 на Съвета за сигурност на ООН. В документа се предупреждава да не се предприемат и силови действия срещу централата на палестинската автономия в Рамала, които биха могли да поставят под заплаха физическата сигурност на президента Арафат и на намиращите се там лица.

Израел може да обяви за "персона нонграта" специалния пратеник на ООН Терие Рьод-Ларсен след неговите изявления за насилието на израелската армия в Дженин. Това заяви пред израелското радио юридическият съветник в кабинета на Шарон Елиаким Рубинщайн. Ларсен нарече миналата седмица опустошенията в Дженин "ужас, който надхвърля всякакви представи".
Дай мнение по статията
СЕГА Форум - Мнения: 
22 Април 2002 01:27
Bravo na Sharon, neka i zanapred da prodalji s prochistvaneto na arabite-teroristi!Nikakva milost za strahlivcite-masovi ubiici na nevinni jeni i deca!
22 Април 2002 01:41
Браво Радефф. Победа будет наша.Патън е комунист, Шарон си е роден СДС-ар също като испанския посланник. А Райчев е дълбоко конспириран монархист, фашист, комунист и антисемит.
22 Април 2002 07:25
22 Април 2002 07:26
Radeff, evreisko kopele marasno, dano vsichki katotebe se izchistiat ot sveta po skoro!!!!!smart na Isreal
22 Април 2002 08:27
Njakoi evrei sa choveshki sashtesva, a ne zionisti - fashisti - antisemiti kato Raichev i vsichki ostanali zad vestnik "Sega", demonstrirani poddraznizi na Kasapin Sharon. SRAM za raboteshtite vav vestnik "Sega".

Jenin-II (Avnery article)
Transfer of aid to Bethlehem, today April 21 at 12:00
Ongoing Sit- in Strike in Tel-Aviv, opposite Defence Ministry
Wounded need help
Collecting aid for Nablus until Thursday
Information on big demo April 27 will follow soon.


Something Stinks
Uri Avnery, 20.4.02

There is full agreement between all those who were in the Jenin refugee camp on only one thing. A week after the end of the fighting, foreign journalists and IDF soldiers, UN representatives and hired hacks in the Israeli media, members of the welfare organizations and government propagandists all report that a terrible stench of decomposing bodies lingers everywhere.
Apart from that there is no agreement on anything. The Palestinians speak about a massacre amounting to a second Sabra and Shatila. The IDF speak about hard fighting, in which "the most humane army in the world" did not intentionally hurt even one single civilian. The Palestinians speak about hundreds of dead, the Minister of Defense asserts categorically that exactly 43 were killed.
So what is the truth? The simple answer is: nobody knows. Nobody can possibly know.
The truth lies buried under the debris, and it smells atrociously.
But some facts are uncontestable. They are sufficient for drawing conclusions.
First: During two weeks of fighting, the IDF did not allow any journalist, Israeli or foreign, into the camp. Even after the fighting had died down, no journalist was let in. The pretext was that the life of the journalists would be endangered. But they did not ask the army to save them. They were quite ready to risk their lives, as journalists and photographers do in every war.
Simple common sense would hold that if one forcibly denies access to journalists, one has something to hide.
Second: During the fighting and afterwards, ambulances and rescue teams were not allowed to get close. Those that tried to approach were shot at. The result was that the wounded bled to death in the streets, even if they had relatively light injuries. This is a war crime, a "manifestly illegal order", over which "the black flag of illegality" flies. Under Israeli law, and even more so under international law and conventions to which Israel is a party, soldiers are forbidden to obey such an order.
It makes no difference whether civilians or "armed men", one person or a hundred, died in these circumstances. As a method of warfare it is inhuman.
Some journalists justified this method in advance when they alleged that they had seen "with their own eyes" Palestinian ambulances carrying arms. Even if there was such an incident, it would not justify the use of such methods in any circumstances. (Until now, only one instance has been proven: this week Israeli journalists reported proudly that undercover soldiers used an ambulance in order to approach a house in which a "wanted person" was hiding).
Third: Even after the end of the fighting, and until now, heavy equipment and rescue teams have not been allowed in to remove the debris and corpses, or, perhaps, save people still alive under the ruins.
The pretext was again that the corpses could be mined. So what? If foreign and local teams want to risk their lives for this noble purpose, why should the army prevent them from doing so?
Fourth: During all the days of fighting, no one was allowed to bring in medications, water and food. I myself took part in a mass march of Israeli peace activists who tried, after the fighting was over, to accompany a convoy of trucks carrying such supplies to the camp. The trucks were allowed, so it seemed, to pass the road-block which stopped us - but it later became apparent that the supplies were unloaded in an army camp and only four could reach their destination.
What does all this indicate? An objective person could only draw the conclusion that the army wanted to prevent the entrance of eye-witnesses into the camp at any price. The army knew that this would give rise to rumors about a terrible massacre, but preferred this to the disclosure of the truth. If one takes such extreme measures to hide something, one cannot complain about the rumors.
What is the height of cynicism? When one blocks free access to a place, and then argues that no one has the right to say what happened there, because he has not seen it with his own eyes.
The most damning evidence about what happened is the fact that immediately after the end of the fighting, top government and army officials started to discuss ways of preventing a shock reaction in Israel and abroad once the facts became known. This was no secret discussion, it was held in public, in the media talk shows. All of us heard.
The decisions made were extremely effective in Israel, and extremely ineffective abroad. I happened to be in England when the news finally broke. They filled the first page of every important British newspaper. The front-page headline in the Times was "Inside the Camp of Death". Underneath was a giant photo and a report by a star war correspondent, who wrote that in all the wars she had covered, such as Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya and others, she had never seen such a terrible sight as this. In almost all European countries the reaction was the same.
In Israel, however, the government propaganda machine, in which all the media are now voluntarily integrated, did everything possible to prepare the public in advance. It was said beforehand that the Palestinians were about to spread a horrible lie, that they were ready to heap dead bodies (from where?) in the streets. It got almost to the point of saying that the Palestinians had blown up their houses over their families in order to create a blood libel.
The IDF did "clean" part of the camp, removing the bodies and ordering the ruins somewhat, and that is where compliant journalists and innocent foreign visitors were brought. There they met humane officers who assured them that there had not been any massacre. After all, only a tiny part of the camp had been destroyed, so-and-so many yards by so-and-so many yards, nothing really. It all reminds one of the methods of certain regimes.
The result is that again a huge gap was created between Israelis and the rest of the world. Around the world, many were horrified that Jews, of all people, were capable of doing such things. Jews were again confirmed in their belief that all Goyim are anti-Semites.
I hope that there will be a serious international inquiry, and that the truth - whatever it may be - will emerge. But if even a part of the rumored atrocity is confirmed, a question will be asked: What was the intention? Why did the civilian and military leadership decide to deal with the Jenin camp like this?
The only answer I can come up with is: in Jenin the Palestinians decided to stand up and fight. The rape of Jenin was intended to send a message to the Palestinians: This will be the lot of everyone who resists the IDF. Also, it could cause a Deir Yassin-style mass flight,
Only a fool would believe that this will end the resistance to the occupation.

Transfer of aid to Bethlehem, today April 21 at 12:00

Transfer of Humanitarian Aid to Bethlehem, Sunday April 21 at 12:00.

Va'adat Hamakav (representing Israel's Arab population) is meeting tomorrow at the Bethlehem checkpoint at 12 to protest the military siege of the city and to transfer humanitarian aid to its residents. Everyone is invited to join. It is of utmost importance that Jews will also be present.

For more information call Abed the Secretary General of Vaadat Hamakav at

Ongoing Sit- in Strike in Tel-Aviv, opposite Defence Ministry

The following message was sent a week ago but slipped through. Now we can tell you: the sit-in strike is still there (we saw it tonight) and if you can help maintain the presence that is very welcome.

Ariel Sharon is telling us that this is a "no choice" war and we believe him
The Army Officers are the decision makers and we still believe that this is Democracy.

Terrible things are committed in our names in the "territories": Citizens are being shot dead, houses are being bulldozed over peoples' heads and the wounded are not treated.

Every day and every hour more atrocities and crimes are being produced, more people are being killed, more are wounded and more hatred is being generated on both sides - and all this without any purpose.

The Labor party is accomplice to the crimes and the big lie of the "no choice" war.
No more
Today - Saturday night - after the peace demonstration in TA we will start a sit-in strike in the 'kirya" - (facing the Ministry of Defense) - to Stop the War, the Killings and the Lies.

We will be sitting there till memorial day and will decide together how to continue. We will have various events taking place on the spot.

Please Join us!!!
for further details call Sharon Dolev, 054 - 979 057

Wounded need help

Israeli activists are organizing to help a mother and son from Nablus, who
were shot and wounded several days ago. They are hospitalized at Tel
Hashomer. The son just got out of intensive care on Thursday and on Friday
the hospital tried to send them back to Nablus, where they have no water
and no access to medical treatment. Following the intervention of
Physicians for Human Rights and other groups, the hospital agreed to let
them stay over the weekend. We are now trying to get the hospital to keep
them both for more days, as the mother is not well enough to care for her
son, and they will both be in danger if they are released.

THE ACTION: Activists from Re'ut-Sedaka are organizing to picket the
hospital, if requests to leave the mother and son in the hospital are
unsuccessful. If necessary, they want to be at the hospital early in the
morning (8:00) and try to prevent them from releasing them. If you are
available early in the morning and throughout the day, please call Yael at
051-617548 at any time, day or night.


Collecting aid for Nablus until Thursday

We are trying to organize a deliveray of humanitarian aid to Nablus. We have received a call from friends of us, living in the old city of Nablus. They tell us that since the army went in there, around 40,000 people have been in curfew, under most difficult conditions and they are practically starving. So we are trying to coordinate with the army a delivary of food, other basic supplies, medicines and cloths, which we will try to send on the coming Monday (22.4.02). For this purpose we are collecting:
* basic food supplies (which doesn't spoil and doesn't need cooking since there is no cooking gas) like flour, sugar, oil, milk substitues, preserved food and anything else you can think about.
* other basic supplies like toilet paper, hygiene pads, and so on.
* medicines and first-aid supplies.
Donations can be brought, as soon as possible, to our office (see address below).
There is a possiblity that we will also collect things in Haifa (if you're interested, please contact Elinor, 056-917991). You can also donate money with which we can buy more of the above. Money transfers can be made to our account:
Windows - Channels for Communication, account no.: 364797 Discount Bank, branch 147.
If you do transfer money for this purpose, please let us know so we can keep track.
For more information, you can contact: Elinor, 056-917991.

Windows, Palestinian-Israeli Friendship Center
35 Trumpeldor Street, Tel Aviv
P.O. Box 56096, Tel Aviv 61560
Tel: 03-620-8324 Fax: 03-629-2570
http://www.win-peace.org winpeace@netvision.net.il

NB: "The Wounded Lion" (The Other Israel's editorial overview by Adam Keller
evaluating one year of Sharon rule) is now online: http://other_israel.tripod.com/ed.html

Full transcript of the war crimes panel available on the Gush site
For Hebrew http://www.gush-shalom.org/archives/forum.html
For English http://www.gush-shalom.org/archives/forum_eng.html
French available at request

Also on the site:
photo's - of action or otherwise informative
the weekly Gush Shalom ad - in Hebrew and English
the columns of Uri Avnery - in Hebrew, Arab and English
(and a lot more)
22 Април 2002 09:31
Езикът на израелската пропаганда
Чарли Рийз
(За “Мънди”, 15 април 2002 год.)

Пропагандният език на Израел заблуждава много американци по отношение на Близкия изток, тъй като не го разбират.
“ТЕРОРИСТ” е ВСЕКИ палестинец, който е против израелската окупация на земята му.
“БОЕЦ” е ВСЕКИ, убит от израелтяните. Ако те убият, то, според тяхното определение, ти си “боец”, дори и да си само на шест месеца, на десет или на осемдесет години. Израилтяните убиват САМО бойци, така че всички от повече от 70-те (седемдесетте) палестински деца на 15 години и по-малко, избити от тях, са бойци.

Голяма част от цивилизованите страни не възприемат съпротивата като углавно престъпление.

За съжаление, пресата често възприема езика на пропагандата. Медиите съобщават, че израелците били убили 20 бойци. В действителност те тиражират нещо, за което не знаят нищо: нито един от журналистите не е видял труповете на докладваните избити бойци. Последните може да са палестински монахини или пацифисти. Един добър репортер докладва само онова, което знае.
Всъщност израелците съобщават, че са умъртвили 20 палестинци.
Напоследък една от русокосите хубавици на канал Фокс Нюз агресивно изиска от палестински представител да обясни защо Арафат не бил произнесъл реч на арабски срещу палестинските камикадзе. Когато най-сетне палестинецът успя да се вмести сред пороя от празни думи, той обясни онова, което всеки от нас отдавна знае: Арафат е осъждал самоубийствените атаки срещу Израел в няколко речи на арабски. Палестинският представител допълни отговора си с две дати.
Важното за нас, манипулираните жертви на подобни телевизионни предавания, е, че дамата не знае арабски и, следователно, не следи арабските телевизионни и радиоканали – откъде тогава е убедена, че Арафат не е произнесъл подобна реч на арабски? Отговорът е, че тя упорито и отблъскващо манипулира слушателите с една от лъжите на израелската пропаганда.
Възможно е американците да вярват на подобни лъжи от наивност. Може би ще помогна, като им обърна внимание на факта, че всички правителства лъжат: някои лъжат в определени случаи, други лъжат в по-голяма част от случаите, трети лъжат непрекъснато. Израелското правителство е пример на лъжец от световна класа. Можете да сте сигурни, че всяко нещо, произлязло от израелското правителство, е изцяло или частично лъжа, или – ако случайно е истина – е подадено извън контекста с цел объркване, друга форма на манипулация.
Членовете на израелското правителство са най-егоцентричните хора на света. За тях всяка смърт на израилтянин е неприемлива, но ако израелската армия избие неограничен брой палестинци, то това е напълно в реда на нещата.
Колко ниска цена за тях има животът на палестинците илюстрира присъдата на израелски съд над израелски заселник. Той е бил глобен и осъден на обществено полезен труд няколко дни. Защо? Защото умъртвява 10-годишно палестинско дете по следния начин: събаря го на земята, стъпва с подкованата си обувка на врата му и го бие до смърт с дръжката на пистолета си.
Равин от дясното крило сега заявява открито и най-безочливо, че животът на един евреин е много по-ценен от живота на някакъв си неверник.
Президент Буш, приемам, че, може би, по-голяма част от наивните американци настояват всеки да нарича палестинските камикадзе “убийци”. Аз няма да ги наричам така. Те са мъченици. Тези млади палестинци вършат точно онова, което са вършили много млади хора по света: доброволно жертват живота си за свободата на Отечеството си. Ако ги наричат убийци, защото убиват цивилни ПО ВРЕМЕ НА ВОЙНА, то тогава бащата на гоподин Буш е масов убиец. Неговата война и санкции са умъртвили десетки хиляди невинни мъже, жени и деца в Ирак. Буш-син очевидно планира да надмине баща си. Да си припомним филма “Непростен”: “ Синко, ние всички сме убийци”.
Иронията тук е, че докато Буш неспирно крещи на Арафат да спре насилието, самият той отказва да сложи край на МНОГО ПО-ГОЛЯМОТО НАСИЛИЕ, упражнявано от Израел над палестинския народ. В случай, че не е забелязал, в окупираните територии измират практически ежедневно – да използвам любимата му фраза – невинни мъже, жени и деца в резултат на държавния тероризъм на Израел!
Вместо да играе самооправдателни семантични игри, Буш би трябвало да посвети енергията си за спиране на избиването на хора по света от когото и да било – включително и от нас. Той трябва ясно и недвусмислено да подкрепи борбата на палестинците за свобода. Този е единственият начин за гарантиране на сигурността на самите израилтянци.
И трябва да се откаже от ужасяващата идея, според която убиването на хора по света може да се спре само с още по-мащабни избивания.
22 Април 2002 09:46
Браво Ано.6, по-добре не може да се каже!!! Евала ти правя. Един човек с непромит от ционистки лъжи мозък.
22 Април 2002 11:51
Хей Радеф, ти да не си еврейче?

И за еврейте ще има възмездие за всички зверства които са направили.
Ако не бяха американците да ги подкрепят, щяха да бъдат вече на сапун -че има ли народ който да обича еврейте.
22 Април 2002 12:24
22 Април 2002 14:10
GOYIM ne obichat evreite poradi prostata prichina che evreite sa po umni. Balgarite
sa si glupavi i ne prechat na nikoi i za kvo da gi mrazish. Malko palestinci ubi Sharon,
smart za tazi malocenna rasa.
22 Април 2002 17:54
Евреите се правят на по-глупави от колкото са. Те май не си взеха урок от станалото през Втората Световна. Сега ползват фашистките методи като масово избиване на етнически принцип и мощна пропаганда подпомагана от пълното медийно затъмнение за ставащото в Палестина за да прокарват чисто националистическите си интереси, да владеят чужда (арабска) територия, завзета 1967. САЩ най-безцеремонно ги подкрепят въпреки очевидната несправедливост. Хак да са им терористите тогава. Поне Европа дава признаци, че води една реалистична и справедлива политика.
22 Април 2002 20:41
zachto vzemate tolkova kraini pozizii kato vsi4ki extemisti v toia raoin, zaradi fanatizi niama mir tam, ne sym za nikoi zachoto evreite ne spazvat dogovorite koito priznavat palestina i ne sym za arabite zachoto izpolzvat kraini metodi da protestirat, vlezte vytre v nechtata vmesto da pichete gluposti a tia koito iskat sapun jiveiat ochte po vremeto na 30 godini na minalia vek, s takiva hora kato vas Bulgaria chte napredna, Bravo
22 Април 2002 22:56
Расизмът тука не помага.
Явно и на Израел и на палестинците са им вързани ръцете, след като от толкоз години се трепят и преговарят и още не са се уточнили
22 Април 2002 23:00
Анонимен 11
Европа май въобще не води политика. Да не говорим за реалистична. Нищо самостоятелно не прави.
Нито има ВОЛЯ, нито ВЪЗМОЖНОСТ, да провежда политика достойна за "велики сили". Прилича на говорилня. Особено и със този съд в Хага...
23 Април 2002 10:23
Арабские делегации в знак протеста покинули конференцию ЕС по Ближнему Востоку

Арабские делегации прервали свое участие в двухдневной конференции в знак протеста против действий Израиля в Палестинской автономии, в частности, против осады резиденции Ясира Арафата.
Делегации покинули конференцию прямо перед тем, как заместитель министра иностранных дел Израиля Майкл Мельчиор (Michael Melchior) приготовился ответить на обвинения его страны в массовых убийствах и унижении палестинцев во время операции "Защитная стена". Обвинение в адрес Израиля выдвинули министр иностранных дел Туниса Хабиб Бен Яхиа (Habib Ben Yahia) и представителя Палестинской автономии Набил Шаат (Nabil Shaath)

Шаат также выразил свое опасение по поводу того, что израильтяне могут убить Ясира Арафата. Осада резиденции ведется с 29 марта. Израиль мотивирует ее тем, что палестинский лидер укрывает в осажденных зданиях шестерых террористов, на выдаче которых настаивают израильтяне. Пять из шестерых террористов причастны, по сведениям Израиля, к убийству Реваахама Зеэви, а шестой к попытке контрабандного провоза морским путем иранского оружия в Автономию.

Министр иностранных дел Испании Хосеп Пике (Josep Pique) предложил провести суд над этими шестерыми подозреваемыми в нейтральной стране.

Между тем, Евросоюз пообещал оказать палестинцам помощь при восстановлении городов, пострадавших в результате проведенной Израилем военной операции. Одним из условий предоставления помощи является прекращение огня в регионе. Представитель Европейского союза по вопросам внешней политики Хавьер Солана (Javier Solana) (Javier Solana) призвал обе противоборствующие стороны договорится о сроках прекращения боевых действий и о дате начала переговоров.

На вторник запланированы министры иностранных дел стран-членов ЕС встретятся отдельно с представителями Израиля и отдельно с представителями Палестинской автономии.

23 Април 2002 11:31
Кофи Аннан назеачил комиссию ООН по расследованию ситуации в лагере беженцев вблизи Дженина

Генеральный секретарь ООН Кофи Аннан назначил состав комиссии по расследованию ситуации в лагере беженцев вблизи палестинского города Дженин на Западном берегу реки Иордан.
Как передает корреспондент РИА "Новости", комиссию возглавит бывший президент Финляндии Мартти Ахтисаари. В ее состав также вошли бывшая глава агентства ООН по делам беженцев Садако Огата и бывший глава Международного Красного Креста Корнелио Соммаруга.

Позже, в связи с настойчивыми требованиями израильтян в комиссию был также включен американский генерал Уильям Наш. Его кандидатура была названа министром обороны Израиля Беньямином Бен-Элиэйзером.

В то же время министр выразил возмущение, что генсек ООН не провел с израильтянами консультацию относительно членов комиссии перед их назначением.

Задача комиссии заключается в проверке обвинений палестинцев в том, что израильские военнослужащие устроили в лагере беженцев вблизи Дженина "резню", в результате чего погибли сотни человек.

Израильтяне категорически отвергают подобные обвинения и отрицают правомочность сравнений происходившего в лагере беженцев вблизи Дженина с событиями двадцатилетней давности в Сабре и Шатиле в Ливане. Они указывают, что речь можно вести только о десятках убитых, указывая при этом, что на большинстве трупов, обнаруженных сейчас в развалинах лагеря беженцев, надета униформа палестинских военизированных отрядов. Кроме этого, подчеркивают израильтяне, у мировой общественности не должно складываться впечатление, что лагерь беженцев представлял из себя место, где жили исключительно мирные и беззащитные люди. Согласно утверждениям израильских военных, это был отлично укрепленный район, и находившиеся в нем люди имели оружие, многие из них считали своим долгом "сражаться до конца".

Тем не менее израильтяне дали согласие на приезд комиссии ООН, подчеркнув, что им нечего скрывать. Единственным их желанием было, чтобы в составе комиссии были преимущественно не политики, а военные, способные оценить происшедшее в комплексе всех проблем.

23 Април 2002 21:00
Малка информация -
Първият заместник на Льо Пен се казва - Проф. Бруно ГОЛНИШ...
Той е и Главен Директор на предизборната кампания...
Говорителя на партията Фронт Насионал се казва - Карл ЛЕВИ...
А ето какво казва и Жо ГОЛДЕНБЕРГ, който е собственник на много известният ресторант ка-шер на улица Розиер: Jo Goldenberg, ancien proprié taire du fameux restaurant casher de la rue des Rosiers. «Le Pen, c'est la dé fense de la France avant tout, c'est le sens patriotique», a-t-il dé claré
24 Април 2002 20:11
Следующая широкомасштабная операция Израиля пройдет в секторе Газа

Следующая широкомасштабная операция Израиля может начаться в секторе Газа. Как сообщает британская Independent, именно в этом районе, населенном в основном палестинцами, премьер-министр Израиля Ариэль Шэрон может планировать следующую военную операцию.
Как заявил израильский премьер депутатам кнессета, "террор в секторе Газа все продолжается". Это замечание Шарона, считает газета, уже расценено в Израиле как прямой намек на скорый ввод израильских танков и подразделений в этот район.

По данным источников газеты, сектор Газа наиболее вероятен для удара, так как военные, настаивая на операции, накануне сообщили депутатам, что в этом районе, только за последнее время, палестинцами совершены 250 террористических атак.

Однако, в случае проведения там военной операции, не исключено, что ее результаты не только повторят, но далеко превзойдут трагедию в Дженине.

Израиль отказался принять миссию ООН для расследования событий в Дженине Премьер-министр Израиля Ариэль Шарон отменил договоренность о направлении миссии ООН для расследования событий в лагере палестинских беженцев в Дженине.

Палестинцы заявляют о том, что в лагере беженцев могли быть убиты несколько сотен мирных жителей, включая тех, чьи дома подверглись бомбардировке или были снесены бульдозерами.

Израиль утверждает, что в результате операции в лагере было убито лишь несколько десятков человек, и замечает, что потери израильской армии составили 23 человека, сообщает Reuters.

Такое решение премьер-министр Израиля принял после того, как стало известно, что Генеральный секретарь ООН Кофи Аннан отказался изменить состав комиссии и перенести поездку на более поздний срок. Ананн поручил представителям ООН прибыть на Ближний Восток 27 апреля.

Израиль также настаивал на том, чтобы эксперты ООН расследовали террористическую деятельность палестинцев в лагере беженцев. Ранее израильские официальные лица заявляли, что состав миссии и ее задачи утверждены без согласования с Тель-Авивом, однако Кофи Аннан подчеркнул, что мандат миссии утвержден резолюцией Совета безопасности, которую он не может изменить. Кроме того, Аннан выразил озабоченность "гуманитарной ситуацией среди гражданского населения палестинских территорий".

Представители Евросоюза встретились с Арафатом в его блокированной резиденции В офисе Ясира Арафата в Рамаллахе в среду началась встреча с представителем Евросоюза по вопросам внешней политики и безопасности Хавьером Соланой и спецпредставителем на Ближнем Востоке этой организации Мигелем Моратинесом, сообщает РИА "Новости" со ссылкой на палестинские источники.

Это первая в нынешнем году встреча представителей Евросоюза с Ясиром Арафатом, который находится в изоляции в своей штаб-квартире, блокированной израильскими войсками. Как отмечают обозреватели в Каире, ранее все требования Евросоюза о проведении такой встречи наталкивались на решительный отказ израильских властей.

После беседы с Арафатом, как ожидается, Солана и Моратинес встретятся с министром обороны Израиля Беньямином бен Элиезером и главой МИД Шимоном Пересом.

США прекращают миротворческие миссии на Ближний Восток США приостанавливают миссию своего специального представителя на Ближнем Востоке Энтони Зинни и не намерены направлять в регион, как это планировалось ранее, главу ЦРУ Джорджа Тенета, передает РИА "Новости" со ссылкой на израильские СМИ.

Решение об этом было принято в Белом доме после встречи между президентом США Джорджем Бушем и королем Марокко Мухамедом. Оно объясняется тем, что до сих пор стороны не могут приступить к реализации рекомендаций комиссии Митчелла, на необходимость чего неоднократно указывал Вашингтон.

Кроме того, до сих пор не разрешена ситуация вокруг резиденции Ясира Арафата в Рамаллахе и церкви Рождества Христова в Вифлееме.

Госдума России осудила действия Израиля на палестинских территориях В среду депутаты нижней палаты российского парламента решительно осудили действия израильских войск, которые приводят к гибели мирных жителей Палестины. Об этом говорится в заявлении палаты "О срочных мерах по прекращению насилия в Палестине", принятом в среду.

За принятие заявления проголосовали 227 депутатов при необходимом минимуме в 226 голосов.

"Действия израильских властей никак не укладываются даже в рамки декларированной борьбы с экстремизмом. Духовные лидеры экстремистов, в отличие от политического руководства Палестины, не пострадали от действий израильских войск. Это свидетельствует о том, что военная операция Израиля направлена не против экстремизма, а, прежде всего, против Палестинской национальной администрации", - говорится в заявлении Думы.

25 Април 2002 19:37
Палестинският лидер Ясер Арафат се срещна днес в своята обсадена резиденция в Рамала с министрите на външните работи на Турция - Исмаил Джем и на Гърция -Георгиус Папандреу.
Според официалното заявление на прессекретаря му Набил Абу Рудейна, Ясер Арафат в хода на срещата е информирал турските и гръцките дипломати за ситуацията в Палестина и за жестоките акции на израелската армия против палестинците, в това число жени и невинни деца. Обсъдени били и евентуалните усилия на Турция и Гърция, за търсене пътища за регулиране на конфликта.
25 Април 2002 19:42
by Noam Chomsky
Red Pepper, May 2002
April 11, 2002
A year ago, Hebrew University sociologist Baruch Kimmerling observed that "What we feared has come true." Jews and Palestinians are "regressing to superstitious tribalism... War appears an unavoidable fate," an "evil colonial" war. After Israel's invasion of the refugee camps this year his colleague Ze'ev Sternhell wrote that "In colonial Israel...human life is cheap." The leadership is "no longer ashamed to speak of war when what they are really engaged in is colonial policing, which recalls the takeover by the white police of the poor neighborhoods of the blacks in South Africa during the apartheid era." Both stress the obvious: there is no symmetry between the "ethno-national groups" regressing to tribalism. The conflict is centered in territories that have been under harsh military occupation for 35 years. The conqueror is a major military power, acting with massive military, economic and diplomatic support from the global superpower. Its subjects are alone and defenseless, many barely surviving in miserable camps, currently suffering even more brutal terror of a kind familiar in "evil colonial wars" and now carrying out terrible atrocities of their own in revenge.
The Oslo "peace process" changed the modalities of the occupation, but not the basic concept. Shortly before joining the Ehud Barak government, historian Shlomo Ben-Ami wrote that "the Oslo agreements were founded on a neo-colonialist basis, on a life of dependence of one on the other forever." He soon became an architect of the US-Israel proposals at Camp David in Summer 2000, which kept to this condition. These were highly praised in US commentary. The Palestinians and their evil leader were blamed for their failure and the subsequent violence. But that is outright "fraud," as Kimmerling reported, along with all other serious commentators.
True, Clinton-Barak advanced a few steps towards a Bantustan-style settlement. Just prior to Camp David, West Bank Palestinians were confined to over 200 scattered areas, and Clinton-Barak did propose an improvement: consolidation to three cantons, under Israeli control, virtually separated from one another and from the fourth enclave, a small area of East Jerusalem, the center of Palestinian life and of communications in the region. In the fifth canton, Gaza, the outcome was left unclear except that the population were also to remain virtually imprisoned. It is understandable that maps are not to be found in the US mainstream, or any of the details of the proposals.
No one can seriously doubt that the US role will continue to be decisive. It is therefore of crucial importance to understand what that role has been, and how it is internally perceived. The version of the doves is presented by the editors of the NY Times (7 April), praising the President's "path-breaking speech" and the "emerging vision" he articulated. Its first element is "ending Palestinian terrorism," immediately. Some time later comes "freezing, then rolling back, Jewish settlements and negotiating new borders" to end the occupation and allow the establishment of a Palestinian state. If Palestinian terror ends, Israelis will be encouraged to "take the Arab League's historic offer of full peace and recognition in exchange for an Israeli withdrawal more seriously." But first Palestinian leaders must demonstrate that they are "legitimate diplomatic partners."
The real world has little resemblance to this self-serving portrayal -- virtually copied from the 1980s, when the US and Israel were desperately seeking to evade PLO offers of negotiation and political settlement while keeping to the demand that there will be no negotiations with the PLO, no "additional Palestinian state..." (Jordan already being a Palestinian state), and "no change in the status of Judea, Samaria and Gaza other than in accordance with the basic guidelines of the [Israeli] Government" (the May 1989 Peres-Shamir coalition plan, endorsed by Bush I in the Baker plan of Dec. 1989). All of this remained unpublished in the US mainstream, as regularly before, while commentary denounced the Palestinians for their single-minded commitment to terror, undermining the humanistic endeavors of the US and its allies.
In the real world, the primary barrier to the "emerging vision" has been, and remains, unilateral US rejectionism. There is little new in the "Arab League's historic offer." It repeats the basic terms of a Security Council Resolution of January 1976 backed by virtually the entire world, including the leading Arab states, the PLO, Europe, the Soviet bloc -- in fact, everyone who mattered. It was opposed by Israel and vetoed by the US, thereby vetoing it from history. The Resolution called for a political settlement on the internationally-recognized borders "with appropriate arrangements...to guarantee...the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and political independence of all states in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized borders" -- in effect, a modification of UN 242 (as officially interpreted by the US as well), amplified to include a Palestinian state. Similar initiatives from the Arab states, the PLO, and Europe have since been blocked by the US and mostly suppressed or denied in public commentary.
US rejectionism goes back 5 years earlier, to February 1971, when President Sadat of Egypt offered Israel a full peace treaty in return for Israeli withdrawal from Egyptian territory, with no mention of Palestinian national rights or the fate of the other occupied territories. Israel's Labor government recognized this to be a genuine peace offer, but rejected it, intending to extend its settlements to northeastern Sinai; that it soon did, with extreme brutality, the immediate cause for the 1973 war. Israel and the US understood that peace was possible in accord with official US policy. But as Labor Party leader Ezer Weizmann (later President) explained, that outcome would not allow Israel to "exist according to the scale, spirit, and quality she now embodies." Israeli commentator Amos Elon wrote that Sadat caused "panic" among the Israeli political leadership when he announced his willingness "to enter into a peace agreement with Israel, and to respect its independence and sovereignty in 'secure and recognized borders'."
Kissinger succeeded in blocking peace, instituting his preference for what he called "stalemate": no negotiations, only force. Jordanian peace offers were also dismissed. Since that time, official US policy has kept to the international consensus on withdrawal -- until Clinton, who effectively rescinded UN resolutions and considerations of international law. But in practice, policy has followed the Kissinger guidelines, accepting negotiations only when compelled to do so, as Kissinger was after the near-debacle of the 1973 war for which he shares major responsibility, and under the conditions that Ben-Ami articulated.
Plans for Palestinians followed the guidelines formulated by Moshe Dayan, one of the Labor leaders more sympathetic to the Palestinian plight. He advised the Cabinet that Israel should make it clear to refugees that "we have no solution, you shall continue to live like dogs, and whoever wishes may leave, and we will see where this process leads." When challenged, he responded by citing Ben-Gurion, who "said that whoever approaches the Zionist problem from a moral aspect is not a Zionist." He could have also cited Chaim Weizmann, who held that the fate of the "several hundred thousand negroes" in the Jewish homeland "is a matter of no consequence."
Not surprisingly, the guiding principle of the occupation has been incessant and degrading humiliation, along with torture, terror, destruction of property, displacement and settlement, and takeover of basic resources, crucially water. That has, of course, required decisive US support, extending through the Clinton-Barak years. "The Barak government is leaving Sharon's government a surprising legacy," the Israeli press reported as the transition took place: "the highest number of housing starts in the territories since the time when Ariel Sharon was Minister of Construction and Settlement in 1992 before the Oslo agreements" -- funding provided by the American taxpayer, deceived by fanciful tales of the "visions" and "magnanimity" of US leaders, foiled by terrorists like Arafat who have forfeited "our trust," perhaps also by some Israeli extremists who are overreacting to their crimes.
How Arafat must act to regain our trust is explained succinctly by Edward Walker, the State Department official responsible for the region under Clinton. The devious Arafat must announce without ambiguity that "We put our future and fate in the hands of the US," which has led the campaign to undermine Palestinian rights for 30 years.
More serious commentary recognized that the "historic offer" largely reiterated the Saudi Fahd Plan of 1981 -- undermined, it was regularly claimed, by Arab refusal to accept the existence of Israel. The facts are again quite different. The 1981 plan was undermined by an Israeli reaction that even its mainstream press condemned as "hysterical." Shimon Peres warned that the Fahd plan "threatened Israel's very existence." President Haim Herzog charged that the "real author" of the Fahd plan was the PLO, and that it was even more extreme than the January 1976 Security Council resolution that was "prepared by" the PLO when he was Israel's UN Ambassador. These claims can hardly be true (though the PLO publicly backed both plans), but they are an indication of the desperate fear of a political settlement on the part of Israeli doves, with the unremitting and decisive support of the US.
The basic problem then, as now, traces back to Washington, which has persistently backed Israel's rejection of a political settlement in terms of the broad international consensus, reiterated in essentials in "the Arab League's historic offer."
Current modifications of US rejectionism are tactical and so far minor. With plans for an attack on Iraq endangered, the US permitted a UN resolution calling for Israeli withdrawal from the newly-invaded territories "without delay" -- meaning "as soon as possible," Secretary of State Colin Powell explained at once. Palestinian terror is to end "immediately," but far more extreme Israeli terror, going back 35 years, can take its time. Israel at once escalated its attack, leading Powell to say "I'm pleased to hear that the prime minister says he is expediting his operations." There is much suspicion that Powell's arrival in Israel is being delayed so that they can be "expedited" further. That US stance may well change, again for tactical reasons.
The US also allowed a UN Resolution calling for a "vision" of a Palestinian state. This forthcoming gesture, which received much acclaim, does not rise to the level of South Africa 40 years ago when the Apartheid regime actually implemented its "vision" of Black-run states that were at least as viable and legitimate as the neo-colonial dependency that the US and Israel have been planning for the occupied territories.
Meanwhile the US continues to "enhance terror," to borrow the President's words, by providing Israel with the means for terror and destruction, including a new shipment of the most advanced helicopters in the US arsenal (Robert Fisk, Independent, 7 April). These are standard reactions to atrocities by a client regime. To cite one instructive example, in the first days of the current Intifada, Israel used US helicopters to attack civilian targets, killing 10 Palestinians and wounding 35, hardly in "self-defense." Clinton responded with an agreement for "the largest purchase of military helicopters by the Israeli Air Force in a decade" (Ha'aretz, 3 October, '01), along with spare parts for Apache attack helicopters. The press helped out by refusing to report the facts. A few weeks later, Israel began to use US helicopters for assassinations as well. One of the first acts of the Bush administration was to send Apache Longbow helicopters, the most murderous available. That received some marginal notice under business news.
Washington's commitment to "enhancing terror" was illustrated again in December, when it vetoed a Security Council Resolution calling for implementation of the Mitchell Plan and dispatch of international monitors to oversee reduction of violence, the most effective means as generally recognized, opposed by Israel and regularly blocked by Washington. The veto took place during a 21-day period of calm -- meaning that only one Israeli soldier was killed, along with 21 Palestinians including 11 children, and 16 Israeli incursions into areas under Palestinian control (Graham Usher, Middle East International, 25 January '02). Ten days before the veto, the US boycotted -- thus undermined -- an international conference in Geneva that once again concluded that the Fourth Geneva Convention applies to the occupied terrorities, so that virtually everything the US and Israel do there is a "grave breach"; a "war crime" in simple terms. The conference specifically declared the US-funded Israeli settlements to be illegal, and condemned the practice of "wilful killing, torture, unlawful deportation, wilful depriving of the rights of fair and regular trial, extensive destruction and appropriation of property...carried out unlawfully and wantonly." As a High Contracting Party, the US is obligated by solemn treaty to prosecute those responsible for such crimes, including its own leadership. Accordingly, all of this passes in silence.
The US has not officially withdrawn its recognition of the applicability of the Geneva Conventions to the occupied territories, or its censure of Israeli violations as the "occupying power" (affirmed, for example, by George Bush I when he was UN Ambassador). In October 2000 the Security Council reaffirmed the consensus on this matter, "call[ing] on Israel, the occupying power, to abide scrupulously by its legal obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention." The vote was 14-0. Clinton abstained, presumably not wanting to veto one of the core principles of international humanitarian law, particularly in light of the circumstances in which it was enacted: to criminalize formally the atrocities of the Nazis. All of this too was consigned quickly to the memory hole, another contribution to "enhancing terror."
Until such matters are permitted to enter discussion, and their implications understood, it is meaningless to call for "US engagement in the peace process," and prospects for constructive action will remain grim.
26 Април 2002 11:37
Стойността на националната валута на Израел - шекела - падна в четвъртък до най- ниското ниво за цялата си история...Курсът му спрямо доларастигна дъното на 4,8840 шекела за един долар . Сериозната девалвация на шекела отразява депресивното состояние на израелската икономика, която страда от преразход на средства и растящ дефицит.
В срядя правителството на Израел представи нов икономически план, който предвижда въвеждане на дополнителни данъци за държавни служители. Очевидно е, че продолжаващата палестинска интифада против еврейската окупация на автономни територии, само влошава икономическите проблеми на еврейската държава. Израелското радио съобщи, че за времето на военните кампании на държавата Израел националната икономика е загубила повече от 30 млрд. шекела.Въпреки огромния ръст на военната промишленост и приходите от заграбените територии.

Трябва да отбележим, че международната агенция Standard & Poor's измени наскоро прогнозата за кредитния рейтинг на държавата Израел от "стабилен" на "негативен". При това рейтинга е потвърден на предишните си нива: АА-/АA1+ - за задължения, номинирани в национална валута и А-/A1 - за задължения в чужда валута. Промяната на прогнозата отразява растящият фискален и икономически натиск в Израел, в резултат от рецесията в икономиката и влошената вътрешна безопасност в страната. Независимо от отбелязания подем в световната икономика, агенцията не очаква никакви положителни последствия от това за развитие на икономиката на държавата Израел през 2002г.

26 Април 2002 12:32
26 April 2002 10:00 GMT+1
Teenagers shot by Israelis, then run over with a tank.After their mutilated bodies are returned, families of three teenagers struggle to understand why they attacked Jewish settlers

By Robert Fisk in Gaza City
26 April 2002
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Arafat stages trial of four wanted for Ze'evi assassination Saudis threaten 'oil weapon' in talks to pressure Bush Palestinian teenagers leave Bethlehem church Middle East crisis blamed for surge in anti-Semitic attacks .Two of the schoolboys were 14, the other was 15; they were internet surfers in the local cyber cafe, one of them idling his hours away drawing children's cartoons; all three were football enthusiasts. Hours after they had been shot dead by the Israeli army near the Jewish settlement of Netzarim, their fathers received the three young bodies. They had been driven over by an armoured vehicle which ­ in 14-year-old Ismail Abu-Nadi's case ­ cut his corpse in half.
Knife-wielding suicide bombers approaching the Jewish settlement, according to the Israeli army and, of course, The New York Times. But even Hamas, creator of the vicious Palestinian campaign of suicide bombing, admits that the three schoolchildren ­ all ninth-graders in the Salahadin School in Gaza City ­ had naively planned to attack the settlement of their own accord and with, at most, knives. It urged preachers and schoolteachers to tell children that they should never embark on such wild schemes again.
And when the three boys' fathers talked to The Independent yesterday, they told a story of waste and tragedy and childhood anger at Israel's bloody invasion of the Jenin refugee camp. "I spent all last night asking myself why my son did this,'' Mohamed Abu-Nadi told me as we sat among mourners outside his middle-class home. "Did Ismail need money? No. Did he fail at school? No. He was first in his class. Were there problems with his family or friends? No. I asked myself the same questions over and over. Why? Can you tell me?''
It's a painful question to be asked by a distraught father, a highly educated civil engineer. Did Ismail want to die? His father said this would have been impossible until "three or four months ago''. That was when the schoolboy, born in Abu Dhabi and a fluent English speaker, began to ask his father why the Palestinians were given no outside help in their struggle for a state."He asked me: 'Why is it that only the Palestinians cannot have a state? Why doesn't America help? Why don't the other Arab states help?'." Bassem Zaqout, the father of 15-year-old Yussef ­ none of the fathers have met, though their sons all attended the same school ­ also thought the Jenin bloodbath influenced his son. When I came back from evening prayers on Tuesday, he had left the house," he said. "I had no idea why. Now I think the boys were walking towards the Jewish settlement with some kind of idea of attacking the Israelis there, but he never touched a weapon. When we got his body back yesterday, it was in a terrible state. Dogs had been at it in the night and his face was unrecognisable because it had been crushed by a heavy vehicle driving over it." Adel Hamdona's 14-year-old son Anwar was returned to him in a similar condition. The father's description was cold, emotionless. "He didn't have a face. His legs had been severed. He had been driven over several times and had been pretty well disembowelled.''
Anwar's body, too, had been gnawed by dogs. Mr Hamdona said: "He was just a boy, a child. I am a teacher at his school. At five in the evening, he told his mother he was going to an internet cafe to surf the net. When he hadn't come home by nine, I felt something was wrong. Then we heard shooting from Netzarim."
And there's a clue as to why Mr Hamdona felt that "something was wrong". For Anwar had begun talking to his family about "martyrdom". "The events here had an effect on the boy. He was always talking about the suicide operations, about martyrs and the concept of martyrdom. He used to want to become a martyr. I had a suspicion that a few years later, when he grew up, he might do this ­ but not now."
Ismail left what appears to be a farewell note to his parents. "One of his friends brought me a paper he had written," his father acknowledged after talking of his son's education and his puzzlement at the world's abandonment of Palestinians. "On the paper, Ismail had written: 'My father, my mother, please try to pray to God and to ask for me to succeed to enter Netzarim and to kill the Israeli soldiers and to drive them from our land'.
"I could not believe this. At his age, any other boy ­ and I've been to England, the United States, India, Pakistan ­ yes any other boy just wants to be educated, to be happy, to earn money, to be at peace. But our children here cannot find peace."
As for the condition of the bodies, none of the fathers wished to speculate on the reasons. Would the Israelis deliberately mutilate the bodies? It seems unlikely. Or did they, after shooting the three schoolboys, avoid the risk that one may be still alive ­ and with a bomb still waiting to go off ­ by driving over their remains? And when their bodies were crushed, were they all dead?
27 Април 2002 16:25
Израел обстреля вчера град Калкилия на Западния бряг въпреки призивите на американския президент Джордж Буш да прекрати незабавно операциите си срещу палестинците и да се изтегли от техните територии, съобщиха световните агенции.
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