Дамаск отправи предупреждение към света да не подкрепя опозицията. Решението на състоялата се в Тунис конференция на "Приятелите на Сирия" да окаже подкрепа на сирийската опозиция ще доведе до продължаване на терора и кръвопролитията в страната, се казва в официално изявление на режима в Дамаск. Режимът на Асад определи форума като "пряко вмешателство във вътрешните работи на сирийския народ".
Представители на 70 страни, сред които и България, поискаха прекратяване на насилието срещу противниците на управляващия режим, достъп до районите, засегнати от въоръжените конфликти и хуманитарната крида, като заплашиха Дамаск със санкции. Според последните оценки в Сирия в рамките на бунтовете срещу режима на президента Башар Асад, които започнаха преди година, са загинали над 7000 души. Британският министър на международното развитие Андрю Мичъл определи положението в тази страна като опасно и сложно.
Междувременно вчера в Сирия бе проведен референдум за нова конституция на страната. Проектът дава голяма власт на държавния глава, като едновременно премахва половинвековния монопол на партията БААС върху управлението.
Той е част от реформите, обещани от режима в опит да успокои протестите. Най-радикалната мярка е замяната на член 8 от конституцията от 1973 г., който гласи, че партията БААС "е ръководителят на държавата и обществото", и въвеждането на "политически плурализъм". Повече от 14 милиона сирийци над 18 г. бяха призовани да дадат гласа си.
12 December 2011 –
More than 5,000 people have now died since the start of the public uprising in Syria, the United Nations human rights chief said today, sounding the alarm that a crackdown and fresh eruption of violence could be imminent in one of the country’s key cities.
Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said “many voices are warning that a major assault” on Homs – already the scene of frequent clashes between security forces and protesters this year – is about to begin, with a military build-up reported.
“I am not in a position to confirm those reports, but the prospect of such an attack is extremely alarming,” she said after briefing Security Council members in a closed-door session on the latest developments in Syria.
Ms. Pillay’s office (OHCHR) has received reports that hundreds of tanks and weapons have been deployed over the past few days, dozens of checkpoints have been set up and numerous trenches have been dug.
While OHCHR is unable to verify those reports because it has not been allowed access, it has seen video footage showing corpses on the streets, buildings riddled with bullets and tanks in residential streets.
Ms. Pillay said the overall death toll in the Syrian clashes “probably exceeds 5,000,” based on what she said were credible reports from a series of sources. The toll includes аt least 300 children.
“This number includes civilians, as well as defecting soldiers and those executed for refusing to shoot civilians,” but does not include serving members of the military, security forces or allied armed groups. Hundreds of people from that category are also thought to have been killed.
More than 5,000 people have now died since the start of the public uprising in Syria, the United Nations human rights chief said today, sounding the alarm that a crackdown and fresh eruption of violence could be imminent in one of the country’s key cities.
Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said “many voices are warning that a major assault” on Homs – already the scene of frequent clashes between security forces and protesters this year – is about to begin, with a military build-up reported.
“I am not in a position to confirm those reports, but the prospect of such an attack is extremely alarming,” she said after briefing Security Council members in a closed-door session on the latest developments in Syria.
Ms. Pillay’s office (OHCHR) has received reports that hundreds of tanks and weapons have been deployed over the past few days, dozens of checkpoints have been set up and numerous trenches have been dug.
While OHCHR is unable to verify those reports because it has not been allowed access, it has seen video footage showing corpses on the streets, buildings riddled with bullets and tanks in residential streets.
Ms. Pillay said the overall death toll in the Syrian clashes “probably exceeds 5,000,” based on what she said were credible reports from a series of sources. The toll includes аt least 300 children.
“This number includes civilians, as well as defecting soldiers and those executed for refusing to shoot civilians,” but does not include serving members of the military, security forces or allied armed groups. Hundreds of people from that category are also thought to have been killed.
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