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САЩ: Саддам да се маха, иначе ще дойдем ние

Ръмсфелд моли Конгреса да подкрепи Буш за военен удар
Американският министър на отбраната Доналд Ръмсфелд предложи в сряда президентът Саддам Хюсеин да напусне доброволно Ирак, за да избегне военна интервенция на САЩ, предаде АФП.

"Ако Саддам Хюсеин и семейството му решат да сложат край на играта и заминат за някоя чужда страна, както са го правили други лидери", може да бъде избегната войната, каза Ръмсфелд за кабелната телевизия Пи Би Ес. Ръмсфелд даде като примери бившия ирански шах Мохамад Реза Пахлави, угандийския президент Иди Амин Дада и хаитянския диктатор Жан-Клод Дювалие, приели изгнанието.

Преди това Ръмсфелд призова Конгреса да подкрепи президента Буш за евентуален военен удар срещу Ирак, съобщи Ройтерс. Нито една терористична държава не поставя по-голяма и по-реална заплаха за сигурността на народа ни и за стабилността на света от режима на Саддам, заяви Ръмсфелд пред Комисията по въоръжените сили към Камарата на представителите. Той допълни, че отлагането на гласуването в Конгреса може да изпрати послание, че САЩ не са готови да заемат позиция. Според военния министър Конгресът трябва да изпрати това послание възможно най-скоро, преди въпросът да бъде гласуван от Съвета за сигурност на ООН.

Междувременно Франция се противопостави на САЩ по въпроса дали е необходимо Съветът за сигурност да приема нова резолюция за Ирак, съобщиха информационните агенции. След като Багдад заяви, че ще позволи на оръжейните инспектори да се върнат в Ирак, може би вече няма нужда от нова резолюция, каза френският външен министър Доминик дьо Вилпен, цитиран от Ройтерс. Позицията на Франция - една от петте постоянни членки на Съвета за сигурност - е от решаващо значение, отбелязва агенцията. Русия вече заяви, че не е нужна нова резолюция за Ирак.

САЩ настояват Съветът за сигурност да подготви нова резолюция за Ирак и продължават да обсъждат този въпрос с други страни, в това число и с Русия, съобщи АФП. Както заяви говорителят на Държавния департамент Ричард Баучър, американското правителство настоява този документ да "конкретизира" исканията към Багдад за безусловно възобновяване на международните инспекции. Същевременно говорителят на Държавния департамент заяви, че засега не може да отговори на въпроса дали според правителството на Джордж Буш новата резолюция за Ирак трябва да бъде приета преди или след заминаването на инспекторите.
Демонстранти (в дъното), призоваващи за оръжейни инспекции вместо война, прекъснаха завчера заседание на Комисията по въоръжените сили в Камарата на представителите. Това стана в момента, когато министърът на отбраната Доналд Ръмсфелд (отпред) поиска подкрепа на плановете на Буш за удар срещу Саддам.
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СЕГА Форум - Мнения: 
20 Септември 2002 00:35
Sadam e edin ot nai-bogatite hora na taya planeta.
5 % ot iznosa na neft ot Irak, direktno se privejda
v sobstvenite mu konti . Zjalko , che mojeshe da zakupi
malko lekarstva , vmesto da se oplakva ot sankciite , no
predlojenieto e dosta izgodno i bi trjabvalo da se vazpolzva
ot nego , po-dobro njama da ima.
20 Септември 2002 05:45
Dobre, Saddam moje i da si otide.
No ne mi e iasno- sled Iraq chii red idva?
20 Септември 2002 06:11
Sled Irak e Libija.Vsichki doshli po revuliucionen put za vechni vremena diktatori shte gi lizne bicheto demek izjadeni.
20 Септември 2002 06:35
neandertalec. !
Нещо позабрави султана на Бруней! Ами принцовете от Саудитска Арабия, около 500 милиарда долара доказани са инвестирани в САЩ! Абе малко мисъл бе мой човек! То ясно, че сега командата е да мразим Ирак, ама запитай се малко "ЗАЩО?" Ама имал ядрено оръжие, ами че Пакистан нямат ли, ами Израел? Ама бил тиранин! Ами дай ми една арабска държава с демократично управление? В района демокрация е само Израел, а Ливан и Иран имат някакъв вид демокрация, всички други са тирани за ядене, както се изразява starija hush!
Нещо друго има тук! Ирак има втори запаси на нефт след Саудитска Арабия и ако САЩ не влезе, кокала може да отиде при френски и руски компании! Те това е! Всички приказки за тирания, тероризъм и страшни оръжия са "мижи да те лажем" за послушния американец! Ама ние би трябвало да съобразяваме малко, нали сме неверващи балкански субекти!
20 Септември 2002 06:58
Само да добавя, че този на снимката е християнин, така че нещо не върви обвинението за връзки с ислямските фанатици от Ал Кайда!
20 Септември 2002 08:33
Published on Sunday, September 15, 2002 in The Sunday Herald (Scotland)

Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President
by Neil Mackay

A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq to secure 'regime change' even before he took power in January 2001.

The blueprint, uncovered by the Sunday Herald, for the creation of a 'global Pax Americana' was drawn up for Dick Cheney (now vice-president), Donald Rumsfeld (defense secretary), Paul Wolfowitz (Rumsfeld's deputy), George W Bush's younger brother Jeb and Lewis Libby (Cheney's chief of staff). The document, entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces And Resources For A New
Century, was written in September 2000 by the neo-conservative think-tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC).

The plan shows Bush's cabinet intended to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power. It says: 'The United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force presence in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime
of Saddam Hussein.'

The PNAC document supports a 'blueprint for maintaining global US pre-eminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests'.

This 'American grand strategy' must be advanced for 'as far into the future as possible', the report says. It also calls for the US to 'fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theatre wars' as a 'core mission'.

The report describes American armed forces abroad as 'the cavalry on the new American frontier'. The PNAC blueprint supports an earlier document written by Wolfowitz and Libby that said the US must 'discourage advanced industrial nations from challenging our leadership or even aspiring to a larger regional or global role'.

The PNAC report also: refers to key allies such as the UK as 'the most effective and
efficient means of exercising American global leadership'; describes peace-keeping missions as 'demanding American political leadership rather than that of the United Nations'; reveals worries in the administration that Europe could rival the USA;
says 'even should Saddam pass from the scene' bases in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait will remain permanently -- despite domestic opposition in the Gulf regimes to the stationing of US troops -- as 'Iran may well prove as large a threat to US interests as Iraq has'; spotlights China for 'regime change' saying 'it is time to increase the presence of American forces in southeast Asia'. This, it says, may lead to 'American and allied power providing the spur to the process of democratization in China';
calls for the creation of 'US Space Forces', to dominate space, and the total control of cyberspace to prevent 'enemies' using the internet against the US; hints that, despite threatening war against Iraq for developing weapons of mass destruction, the US may consider developing biological weapons -- which the nation has banned -- in decades to come. It says:

'New methods of attack -- electronic, 'non-lethal', biological – will be more widely available ... combat likely will take place in new dimensions, in space, cyberspace, and perhaps the world of microbes ... advanced forms of biological warfare that can 'target' specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool'; and pinpoints North Korea, Libya, Syria and Iran as dangerous regimes and says their existence justifies the creation of a 'world-wide
command-and-control system'.

Tam Dalyell, the Labour MP, father of the House of Commons and one of the leading rebel voices against war with Iraq, said: 'This is garbage from right-wing think-tanks stuffed with chicken-hawks -- men who have never seen the horror of war but are in love with the idea of war. Men like Cheney, who were draft-dodgers in the Vietnam war.

'This is a blueprint for US world domination -- a new world order of their making. These are the thought processes of fantasist Americans who want to control the world. I am appalled that a British Labour Prime Minister should have got into bed with a crew which has this moral standing.'

Copyright 2002 smg sunday newspapers ltd.

20 Септември 2002 09:44
The United States of America
Research from Dirty Truths
City Light Books, 1996
by Michael Parenti

"Conservatives are fond of telling us what a wonderful, happy,
nation this is. The only thing that matches their love of country is
remarkable indifference they show toward the people who live in it. To
their ears the anguished cries of the dispossessed sound like the
whines of malcontents. They denounce as 'bleeding hearts' those of us
criticize existing conditions, who show some concern for our fellow
citizens. But the dirty truth is that there exists a startling amount
hardship, abuse, affliction, illness, violence, and pathology in this
country. The figures reveal a casualty list that runs into many
Consider the following estimates. In any one year:

27,000 Americans commit suicide.
50,000 attempt suicide; some estimates are higher.
26,000 die from fatal accidents in the home.
23,000 are murdered.
85,000 are wounded by firearms.
38,000 of these die, including 2,600 children.
13,000,000 are victims of crimes including assault, rape, armed
burglary, larceny, and arson.
135,000 children take guns to school.
5,500,000 people are arrested for all offenses (not including traffic
125,000 die prematurely of alcohol abuse.
473,000 die prematurely from tobacco-related illnesses; 53,000 of these
6,500,000 use heroin, crack, speed, PCP, cocaine or some other hard
drug on
a regular basis.
5,000+ die from illicit drug use. Thousands suffer serious
1,000+ die from sniffing household substances found under the kitchen
About 20 percent of all eighth-graders have "huffed" toxic substances.
Thousands suffer permanent neurological damage.
31,450,000 use marijuana; 3,000,000 of whom are heavy usuers.
37,000,000, or one out of every six Americans, regularly use emotion
controlling medical drugs. The users are mostly women. The pushers are
doctors; the suppliers are pharmaceutical companies; the profits are
2,000,000 nonhospitalized persons are given powerful mind-control
sometimes described as "chemical straitjackets."
5,000 die from psychoactive drug treatments.
200,000 are subjected to electric shock treatments that are injurious
the brain and nervous system.
600 to 1,000 are lobotomized, mostly women.
25,000,000, or one out of every 10 Americans, seek help from
psychotherapeutic, or medical sources for mental and emotional
problems, at
a cost of over $4 billion annually.
6,800,000 turn to nonmedical services, such as ministers, welfare
and social counselors for help with emotional troubles. In all, some
80,000,000 have sought some kind of psychological counseling in their
1,300,000 suffer some kind of injury related to treatment at hospitals.
2,000,000 undergo unnecessary surgical operations; 10,000 of whom die
the surgery.
180,000 die from adverse reactions to all medical treatments, more than
killed by airline and automobile accidents combined.
14,000+ die from overdoses of legal prescription drugs.
45,000 are killed in auto accidents. Yet more cars and highways are
built while funding for safer forms of mass transportation is reduced.
1,800,000 sustain nonfatal injuries from auto accidents; but 150,000 of
these auto injury victims suffer permanent impairments.
126,000 children are born with a major birth defect, mostly due to
insufficient prenatal care, nutritional deficiency, environmental
or maternal drug addiction.
2,900,000 children are reportedly subjected to serious neglect or
including physical torture and deliberate starvation.
5,000 children are killed by parents or grandparents.
30,000 or more children are left permanently physically disabled from
and neglect. Child abuse in the United States afflicts more children
year than leukemia, automobile accidents, and infectious diseases
With growing unemployment, incidents of abuse by jobless parents is
increasing dramatically.
1,000,000 children run away from home, mostly because of abusive
including sexual abuse, from parents and other adults. Of the many
abused children among runaways, 83 percent come from white families.
150,000 children are reported missing.
50,000 of these simply vanish. Their ages range from one year to
According to the New York Times, "Some of these are dead, perhaps half
the John and Jane Does annually buried in this country are unidentified
900,000 children, some as young as seven years old, are engaged in
labor in the United States, serving as underpaid farm hands,
laundry workers, and domestics for as long as ten hours a day in
of child labor laws.
2,000,000 to 4,000,00 women are battered. Domestic violence is the
largest cause of injury and second largest cause of death to U.S.
700,000 women are raped, one every 45 seconds.
5,000,000 workers are injured on the job; 150,000 of whom suffer
work-related disabilities, including maiming, paralysis, impaired
damaged hearing, and sterility.
100,000 become seriously ill from work-related diseases, including
lung, brown lung, cancer, and tuberculosis.
14,000 are killed on the job; about 90 percent are men.
100,000 die prematurely from work-related diseases.
60,000 are killed by toxic environmental pollutants or contaminants in
food, water, or air.
4,000 die from eating contaminated meat.
20,000 others suffer from poisoning by E.coli 0157-H7, the mutant
found in contaminated meat that generally leads to lifelong physical
mental health problems. A more thorough meat inspection with new
technologies could eliminate most instances of contamination--so would
At present:
5,100,000 are behind bars or on probation or parole; 2,700,000 of these
either locked up in county, state or federal prisons or under legal
supervision. Each week 1,600 more people go to jail than leave. The
population has skyrocketed over 200 percent since 1980. Over 40 percent
inmates are jailed on nonviolent drug related crimes. African Americans
constitute 13 percent of drug users but 35 percent of drug arrests, 55
percent of drug convictions and 74 percent of prison sentences. For
offenses, African Americans get prison terms that average about 10
longer than Caucasians for similar crimes.
15,000+ have tuberculosis, with the numbers growing rapidly; 10,000,000
more carry the tuberculosis bacilli, with large numbers among the
economically deprived or addicted.
10,000,000 people have serious drinking problems; alcoholism is on the
16,000,000 have diabetes, up from 11,000,000 in 1983 as Americans get
sedentary and sugar addicted. Left untreated, diabetes can lead to
blindness, kidney failure and nerve damage.
160,000 will die from diabetes this year.
280,000 are institutionalized for mental illness or mental retardation.
Many of these are forced into taking heavy doses of mind control drugs.
255,000 mentally ill or retarded have been summarily released in recent
years. Many of the "deinstitutionalized" are now in flophouses or
the streets.
3,000,000 or more suffer cerebral and physical handicaps including
paralysis, deafness, blindness, and lesser disabilities. A
number of them are poor. Many of these disabilities could have been
corrected with early treatment or prevented with better living
2,400,000 million suffer from some variety of seriously incapacitating
chronic fatigue syndrome.
10,000,000+ suffer from symptomatic asthma, an increase of 145 percent
1990 to 1995, largely due to the increasingly polluted quality of the
we breathe.
40,000,000 or more are without health insurance or protection from
catastrophic illness.
1,800,000 elderly who live with their families are subjected to serious
abuse such as forced confinement, underfeeding, and beatings. The
mistreatment of elderly people by their children and other close
grows dramatically as economic conditions worsen.
1,126,000 of the elderly live in nursing homes. A large but
number endure conditions of extreme neglect, filth, and abuse in homes
are run with an eye to extracting the highest possible profit.
1,000,000 or more children are kept in orphanages, reformatories, and
prisons. Most have been arrested for minor transgressions or have
no crime at all and are jailed without due process. Most are from
impoverished backgrounds. Many are subjected to beatings, sexual
prolonged solitary confinement, mind control drugs, and in some cases
1,000,000 are estimated to have AIDS as of 1996; over 250,000 have died
that disease.
950,000 school children are treated with powerful mind control drugs
for "hyperactivity" every year--with side effects like weight loss,
retardation and acute psychosis.
4,000,000 children are growing up with unattended learning
4,500,000+ children, or more than half of the 9,000,000 children on
welfare, suffer from malnutrition. Many of these suffer brain damage
by prenatal and infant malnourishment.
40,000,000 persons, or one of every four women and more than one of
ten men, are estimated to have been sexually molested as children, most
often between the ages of 9 and 12, usually by close relatives or
acquaintances. Such abuse almost always extends into their early teens
is a part of their continual memory and not a product of memory
in therapy.
7,000,000 to 12,000,000 are unemployed; numbers vary with the business
cycle. Increasing numbers of the chronically unemployed show signs of
stress and emotional depression.
6,000,000 are in "contingent" jobs, or jobs structured to last only
temporarily. About 60 percent of these would prefer permanent
15,000,000 or more are part-time or reduced-time "contract" workers who
need full-time jobs and who work without benefits.
3,000,000 additional workers are unemployed but uncounted because their
unemployment benefits have run out, or they never qualified for
or they have given up looking for work, or they joined the armed forces
because they were unable to find work.
80,000,000 live on incomes estimated by the U.S. Department of Labor as
below a "comfortable adequacy"; 35,000,000 of these live below the
12,000,000 of those at poverty's rock bottom suffer from chronic hunger
malnutrition. The majority of the people living at or below the poverty
level experience hunger during some portion of the year.
2,000,000 or more are homeless, forced to live on the streets or in
makeshift shelters.
160,000,000+ are members of households that are in debt, a sharp
from the 100 million of less than a decade ago. A majority indicate
have borrowed money not for luxuries but for necessities. Mounting
threaten a financial crack-up in more and more families.
20 Септември 2002 13:04
An Anti-War Movement of One
A conservative breaks ranks with both the right and left to oppose an Iraq attack.

"Our national myth showed us that we were good, our technology made us strong, and our bureaucracy gave us standard operating procedures. It was not a winning combination."

So judged a wise historian, Loren Baritz, about how we wandered, open-eyed and fuzzy-minded, into Vietnam. Twenty years ago, when I first read his still-undiscovered masterpiece, Backfire, I cringed. So this is how we do things. This is us. It's going to happen again.

It's happening again. And of late, I've taken to constituting myself as an anti-war movement of one--a man of impeccable conservative credentials and long experience in the national-security field, a grumpy old Marine, who has grown infuriated with and appalled by both the conservative embrace of disaster and the enormity of the smallness of what passes for the anti-war movement today.

Yes, technology makes us strong, possessed of a military such as the world has never seen. But the myths now come to us less out of our own wishes and experiences than courtesy of an ugly cabal, half-Pentagon, half-media.

The Pentagon half: It's not so much el jefe, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (a good man and an excellent "SECDEF", as some of the little jefitos running around. You want names? Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz and the denizens of the Defense Policy Board, an unpaid in-house think tank headed by Reaganite retread Richard Perle, a.k.a. "The Prince of Darkness," a moniker he earned in the 1980s for his love of confrontation for the sake of confrontation and of all things nuclear.

The media half? Again, not just the Big Guys, the Foxes (I like O'Reilly) and the MSNBCs (Nachman's cool). It's also a couple slick policy rags more notable for their influence than their circulation. The Weekly Standard and its allied P.R. machine, the Project for the New American Century, come to mind--the Bill Kristols, et al.

WHO ARE THESE people? Generically, they've been called "American Gaullists," after France's 20th-century all-purpose savior, Charles "France Without Greatness Isn't France" de Gaulle. But greatness without grace isn't greatness. The current D.C. version: America Without Greatness Isn't America. Let's go thump somebody. It'll be quick and easy and cheap and great, great fun and anyway, as a recent New American Century fax addressed to "opinion leaders" assures us, Baghdad won't be like Mogadishu because this time we have "the will to win."

Le Grand Charles, who knew from wars both world and colonial, would have scorned anything so stupid and so glib. These men aren't Gaullists. They're Prussians, a new aristocracy of aggression that combines 19th-century Prussian pigheadedness with a most un-Prussian inability to read a map or a ledger book, and a near total lack of military--let alone combat--experience. Ask these people to show you their wounds, and they'll probably wave a Washington Post editorial at you.

As for procedures--the procedures pertaining to going to war--the administration's strategy (or lack thereof) can only be described as bizarre. OK, so maybe they're practicing psychological warfare, or even their own brand of taqiya, an Arabic word connoting the right and duty of believers to lie to infidels. (Why not? The Islamic world seems to have adopted a Jewish communications strategy known as kvetching.) But when a president of the United States tells us that--not to worry--if he decides to go to war, he'll definitely ask the Congress for "support," and--again, not to worry--he'll "explain it" to the American people and we'll "understand," it's enough to make you join the anti-war movement.

What anti-war movement? When you look at what passes for "resistance" nowadays, you cringe in embarrassment that this is what's left of the left. Pompous. Arrogant. Self-righteous. Self-referent. Impotence chic at its finest. Punch up http://www.notinourname. net and read their "pledge of resistance." Or imagine my feelings--I almost said, "Feel my pain"--when I did a local church panel recently. A man in the audience asked if America would die like Rome, Nazi Germany, and the British Empire. One panelist agreed that, yes, America will die. The audience applauded.

And that's why I've come to be an anti-war movement of one, talking to anyone who will listen, not about how evil or how good we are, but about the world as it is and the vortex we're approaching.

On Sept. 10, 2001, the Beltway couldn't decide whether the defense budget should be $310 billion or $312 billion. The Weekly Standard crowd was demanding Rumsfeld's resignation for refusal to spend more money faster. Today, annual defense and homeland-security expenditures have swooshed past $400 billion. At this rate, we will spend more on defense in this decade than we did directly on all of World War II. So where's the world war?

All around us. Today, depending on how you count, there are between 60 and 100 international, transnational, civil, and regional armed conflicts under way. The world is at war. And we're getting ready for combat around the world. Since Sept. 11, we've been building foreign bases in central Asia, the Persian Gulf, and down the east coast of Africa. The Pentagon speaks of being there for "the long haul." We're concluding training and other agreements with dozens of countries and groups (note well: groups), and generally mucking about with a fervor not seen since the 1950s era of "Pactomania."

Alas, then as now and try as we might, we have few reliable or democratic allies. We have maybe half a dozen friends: Britain, Canada, Australia, Israel (sometimes), Turkey (a better friend to us than we've been to them), and, soon enough, Russia. Beyond that, we have relationships and hookups in ever-proliferating quantity and ever more complex and questionable quality.

SO WHAT'S THIS new struggle, these hundred conflicts already melding into yet another world war, about? Put simply: Maybe half the countries on this planet--and many of the poorest and most volatile--have borders that don't make sense politically, militarily, ethnically, culturally, economically, or ecologically. Before the Soviet collapse, borders were considered sacrosanct, virtually immutable, the sine qua non of national sovereignty. Now sovereignty is breaking down and busting up all over, and borders grow ever more unavailing and unreal. No amount of Western-style "nation building" can hold together nations that never should have been nations in the first place and shouldn't be now. And no amount of American muscle can police a world destined for a century of conflict over resources, religions, identities, and whatever else people care to massacre each other about.

Throughout the Cold War, we failed at Third World nation building, failures we could elide courtesy of local thugs and kleptocrats. During a decade that historians may someday call "The Wasted '90s," we blew it in Haiti, Somalia, and, to some extent, in the Balkans.

We're getting our first hard lesson in Afghanistan, whose continued existence as a collection of feuding tribes and warlords isn't worth the bones of an Arkansas grenadier. If we go into Iraq, if we get our "regime change" and then try to build them a country, the lesson will be harsher still. And as we fail, the chaos--and our involvement and implication in that chaos--will spread. It will spread through the Islamic world. It will spread through Africa. And the consequences and the violence will not be confined to those unhappy lands. Not to mention the fact that, from the jihadist point of view--they who recognize no legitimate borders save those of the Umma, the Islamic world under their brand of Islamic law--destabilization is exactly the opportunity they want.

So what's Iraq about? In the end, it's not about that nasty man or the nasty things he's collecting. It's about what the policy wonks call "destabilization." It's about taking the next step into a regional and a global chaos that could wreck this planet.

So what do we do when the government's careening toward disaster, the anti-war movement's comatose, and the media keep us on perpetual spin? For starters, we dare to risk unilateral rationality. Which tells us that we've yet to begin to develop an effective strategy for coping with terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, let alone the imminent fracturing of dozens of nations.


Not now.


Philip Gold served as an intelligence officer in the U.S. Marine Corps before joining the faculty of Georgetown University in 1982. Since 1992, he has served as a senior fellow at Seattle's Discovery Institute, specializing in national security. His latest book, Against All Terrors: The People's Next Defense, is available online at http://www.discovery.org.
20 Септември 2002 13:13
Hei Proicho . Nikoi ne mrazi Irak i njama takava kampanija
Otnosno nefta , vchera se izkaza obshto vzeto vsichko tuk po
foruma i neshto novo nadali moje da se dobavi, m/u dr. i
Rusia i Norvegia proizvejdat i imat znachitelno po-golemi zapasi
na neft otkolkoto Irak. Amerika e nai-golemija potrebitel na
Irakskia neft , okolo 2 000 000 bar. dnevno . Minalata prolet
Irak sprja za edin mesec iznosa kam Amerika , v znak na protest .
Sadam e spekuliral mnogo pati s nefta , a proizvoditeli i potrebiteli
se nujdajat ot po-stabilni ceni. Vreme e Sadam da se razkarva.
20 Септември 2002 18:16
Абе, Стария Хъш, ти май беше революционер по едно време. Даже се хвалеше как са те осъдили заради коктейл Молотов. Откакто хвана за гъза украинката, обаче, нещо смени политиката. Изглежда цялата ти революционност е идвала от предишната ти жена. Ей какво ли не правят жените.
20 Септември 2002 21:47
Ako Francia iRusia napraviat sastata greska koiato napravixa Francia i Anglia
predi da zapo4ne II sv. voina to ste iadat poparata na xjusein taka kakto jadaxa poparata na germanskoto govedo xitler.Posle, elate USA i ni opravete ot tezi
laina koito sami zabarkaxme!!!
21 Септември 2002 01:57
Marks ima neshto verno.Sega na 9 okt. zaminavam pri neja.Neznam kakuv shte se vurna zashtoto e psiholog po profesija.
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