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Евросъюзът и Русия заедно в "стоманена война" със САЩ?

Европейският съюз и Русия вчера почти едновременно изразиха "сериозни притеснения" от намерението на американския президент Джордж Буш да въведе 30-процентни мита за вносната стомана с цел да стимулира закъсалата стоманодобивна индустрия в САЩ, съобщиха световните агенции. За идеята на Буш писа в. "Вашингтон пост", а за вчера бе планирано и изявление на самия президент по въпроса.

Руското външно министерство привика вчера посланика на САЩ в Москва Алекзандър Вершбоу и го предупреди, че митата "биха помрачили сериозно руско-американските отношения".

Председателят на Европейската комисия Романо Проди написа на Буш тревожно писмо, а говорителят на комисията Джонатан Фол обяви в Брюксел: "Ако администрацията на САЩ въведе тези мита върху вноса, ние няма да имаме друг избор, освен да реагираме подобаващо."

Заедно с Бразилия и Южна Корея, които са другите две водещи сили в света по производство на стомана, Евросъюзът се кани да алармира Световната търговска организация, ако митата бъдат въведени.

Най-близкият европейски съюзник на Буш - британският премиер Тони Блеър, също му писа и го предупреди, че "замислените мита няма да са в интерес на световната икономика".
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СЕГА Форум - Мнения: 
07 Март 2002 01:35
Ne moga da poviarvam ch Bush e tolkova glupav. Nai-nakraia evropeiskia sauz da napravi neshto
07 Март 2002 01:47
Русия от днес спира вноса на "крачетата на Буш"
07 Март 2002 01:50
Не им ли става ясно на българските псевдо политици, че цялата история с мондиализацията и свободната търговия е само средство за съсипване на икономиките на бедните и тоталното им колонизиране. Има само едни интереси на тази планета и те са на Щатите и Англия, другите могат само да са слуги и послушници. В този смисъл четете уводната статия на "Монд Дипломатик" от този месец, тя обяснява като на деца каква е сегашната световна картина, къде е оста злото. Статията не се препоръчва на нашите политици, те са си продали душата на дявола.Наистина няма по- неуязвим противник от простотията и невежеството, него и с топ не можеш да го разбиеш. Статията не се препоръчва и на такива като ЕТ. За тези които разбират английски има един много силен материял.
MARS 2002 Page 1
L'axe du Mal

Trois fronts. Les citoyens doivent savoir que la mondialisation libérale attaque désormais les sociétés sur trois fronts. Central parce qu'il concerne l'humanité dans son ensemble, le premier front est celui de l'économie. Il demeure placé sous la conduite de ce qu'il faut vraiment appeler l'« axe du Mal (1) », constitué par le Fonds monétaire international (FMI), la Banque mondiale et l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC). Cet axe maléfique continue d'imposer au monde la dictature du marché, la prééminence du secteur privé, le culte du profit, et de provoquer, dans l'ensemble de la planète, de terrifiants dégâts : hyperfaillite frauduleuse d'Enron, crise monétaire en Turquie, effondrement calamiteux de l'Argentine, dévastations écologiques partout...
Et la prochaine Conférence internationale sur le financement du développement, qui se tient à Monterrey (Mexique) du 18 au 22 mars, risque d'aggraver le désastre général en affirmant que le secteur privé doit devenir le principal acteur du développement du Sud (2). Il est scandaleux que les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement, en particulier ceux de l'Union européenne, refusent d'adopter, en faveur du développement, les indispensables mesures qui, seules, peuvent sauver de la misère les deux tiers de l'humanité.
On peut en retenir dix : annuler totalement la dette des pays pauvres ; mettre en place un système de règlement généreux, juste et équitable de la dette des pays du Sud ; définir des garanties pour que les futurs financements soient engagés dans des conditions satisfaisantes et utilisés en faveur du développement durable ; obtenir des pays riches qu'ils s'engagent à consacrer au moins 0,7 % de leur richesse au financement du développement ; rééquilibrer les termes de l'échange entre le Nord et le Sud ; garantir la souveraineté alimentaire dans chaque pays ; contrôler les mouvements irrationnels de capitaux ; interdire le secret bancaire ; déclarer hors-la-loi les paradis fiscaux ; et mettre en place enfin une taxation internationale des transactions financières.

Le deuxième front, clandestin, silencieux, invisible, est celui de l'idéologie. Avec la collaboration active d'universités, de prestigieux instituts de recherche (Heritage Foundation, American Enterprise Institute, Cato Institute), de grands médias (CNN, The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, imités en France et ailleurs par une foule de journalistes asservis), une véritable industrie de la persuasion a été mise en place afin de convaincre la planète que la mondialisation libérale apporterait enfin le bonheur universel. En s'appuyant sur le pouvoir de l'information, des idéologues ont ainsi construit, avec la passive complicité des dominés, ce qu'on pourrait appeler un délicieux despotisme (3).

Cette manipulation a été relancée, après le 11 septembre, avec la création par le Pentagone d'un très orwellien Bureau d'influence stratégique (BIS), chargé de diffuser de fausses informations pour « influencer les opinions publiques et les dirigeants politiques aussi bien dans les pays amis que dans les Etats ennemis (4) ». Comme dans les années les plus sombres du maccarthysme et de la guerre froide, une sorte de ministère de la désinformation et de la propagande a donc été mis sur pied chargé d'établir, comme dans les dictatures ubuesques, la vérité officielle. La ficelle était si grosse que le Bureau en question a dû être officiellement fermé, fin février.

Le troisième front, inexistant jusqu'à présent, est militaire. Il a été ouvert au lendemain du traumatisme du 11 septembre 2001. Et vise à doter la mondialisation libérale d'un appareil de sécurité en bonne et due forme. Un moment tentés de confier cette mission à l'Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique nord (OTAN), les Etats-Unis ont décidé d'assumer seuls cette mission et de se doter de moyens considérables pour l'exercer avec la plus impressionnante efficacité (lire l'article de Paul-Marie de La Gorce). La récente guerre en Afghanistan contre le régime des talibans et contre le réseau Al-Qaida a convaincu Washington qu'il est inutile, pour des missions de cette envergure, de demander une collaboration militaire autre que minimale à ses principaux alliés stratégiques, Royaume-Uni et France, ou même à l'OTAN (5).

Cette attitude de mépris a été confirmée lors de l'annonce récente, faite sans consultation de ses alliés, de l'intention de Washington d'attaquer prochainement l'Irak. Les protestations des chancelleries européennes, qui s'estompent déjà, n'ont nullement impressionné l'administration américaine. La fonction des vassaux est de s'incliner, et l'Amérique aspire désormais à exercer une domination politique absolue. « Les Etats-Unis sont en quelque sorte le premier Etat proto-mondial, constate William Pfaff. Ils ont la capacité de prendre la tête d'une version moderne de l'empire universel, un empire spontané dont les membres se soumettent volontairement à son autorité (6). »

Cet empire aspire à réaliser dans les faits la mondialisation libérale. Tous les opposants, tous les dissidents et tous les résistants doivent maintenant savoir qu'ils seront combattus sur ces trois fronts : économique, idéologique et militaire. Et que le temps du respect des droits humains semble révolu, comme le prouve l'établissement de ce scandaleux « bagne tropical » à Guantanamo où plusieurs Européens sont séquestrés dans des cages... L'axe du Mal (FMI, Banque mondiale, OMC) dissimulait son vrai visage. On le connaît à présent.
Etats-Unis (affaires extérieures)
Banque mondiale
Fonds monétaire international (FMI)
Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC)
Organisation du traité de l'Atlantique nord (OTAN)
date - sujet - pays
(1) Dans son discours sur l'état de l'Union du 29 janvier 2002, le président des Etats-Unis, M. George W. Bush, a évoqué un « axe du Mal » constitué, selon lui, par l'Irak, l'Iran et la Corée du Nord.

(2) Lire : « Projet de conclusions et décisions de la Conférence internationale sur le financement du développement », Nations unies, assemblée générale, 30 janvier 2002, document A / AC.257 / L.13.

(3) Lire Propagandes silencieuses, Galilée, Paris, 2000.

(4) International Herald Tribune, 20 février 2002.

(5) Lire Guerres du XXIe siècle, Galilée, en librairie le 14 mars 2002.

(6) International Herald Tribune, 7 janvier 2002.

TOUS DROITS RÉSERVÉS © 2002 Le Monde diplomatique.

07 Март 2002 01:56

This article appears in the March 8, 2002 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

God Only Knows!
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Feb 28, 2002

Since I am reporting to you on what is being discussed frankly in political, military, and financier circles in much of the world today, you, the reader, must accept my resort to plain-spoken, corporate board-room language, to capture the flavor of what those fools are saying among themselves.

Do not let my use of some rough talk fool you. The issues I shall address here, are very serious, and a bit more profound that the current crop of Washington governmental and think-tank geniuses are capable of understanding. I begin with the rough talk, and then zero in on the hard proof that they are, indeed, babbling like fools drunk on Zbigniew Brzezinski's utopian brand of home-made strategic moonshine.

Free of double-talk, and saying things more or less as plainly as François Rabelais would, those board-room nuts around the world are getting themselves all worked over cranking up their "wet dream" of permanent U.S. imperial hegemony over the whole crisis-wracked, and, in fact, essentially bankrupt world. Only God knows what that will lead to, if these maniacs are not brought under control!

At the moment, the plan is to carry out the Brzezinski-Huntington-Lewis plan for launching a new, global war of world-conquest, starting with Iraq. Current plans have that attack occurring by about the end of Summer, if not earlier. The issue is not Iraq itself; Saddam Hussein is not the issue. Only the kind of silly, wide-eyed dupes who take CNN's Christiane Ammanpour's claptrap seriously, think that what Iraq or Saddam Hussein did, or might do, or might not do, is the issue. The issue is to get the new world war started. To start an explosion, you need an adequate detonator; an attack on Iraq is the current choice of suitable detonator.

That is the proverbial ball. Keep your eye on it. Any contrary talk is just diversionary babble, spread around through the mass media and think-tank circuits, to confuse the Congressmen and other suckers.

Just to start, look at the recent bombing runs on thinly populated, previously bombed-to-Hell Afghanistan. How many people are childish enough to believe that the U.S.A. actually won a war there, or that the place is actually governable now, or that it is not in the process of blowing up again? But, ask the question in a different way: Did the U.S.A. actually conquer it, or did it not destroy its potential as a national economy, for any purpose but producing and exporting a massive amount of drugs? The alleged strategic geniuses who thought up that sort of warfare, have ignored every political-economic lesson of the conduct of warfare from all known history to date. These are the kinds of geniuses who would have believed that Enron and the so-called "new economy," were the wave of the future. How much energy will be generated for export from an economy which has been physically destroyed?

Meanwhile, only Dracula, sometimes disguised as Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, would continue to promise his suckers a midnight recovery.

That said, look at the economic reality of the world-warriors' current crop of strategic wet dreams.

A Geometry Lesson
The short comment on the foolishness of official Washington and Blair's London today, is this. The characteristic feature of post-MacArthur strategic utopianism, has been the intent to divorce strategic questions respecting the U.S. and world economies as President Franklin Roosevelt, for example, had defined such connections. Typical of the dangerous strategic lunacy of those utopians is Henry A. Kissinger's insistence that the lessons of the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia be ignored.

Take as one example of the problem, the role of desalination and energy development in the Middle East. The central folly of the Clinton-Barak-Arafat negotiations at Camp David, was that the issues of regional economic development, and of mass programs of desalination were excluded from the direct discussions, from the beginning. Clinton's approach was foredoomed to fail. His implied obligations to Prime Minister Barak, his virtual client, blurred his vision, and helped him overlook the fact that his responsibility in those negotiations was to act in the interests of, and as a representative of the United States.

The interest of the U.S.A. was, and is today, in securing a durable form of true Middle East peace, not bringing off a short-lived diplomatic trophy for the President. I wrote repeatedly, warning of this mistake in the President's approach, but he did not listen, and therefore he failed. He, like Barak, fell into the trap of utopianism, the trap of politics without regard for those principles of physical economy which invariably underlie any prospect of durable peace in any comparable situation. Given the Israeli military gun at the back of Barak's head, it was he, Clinton, not Arafat, who was the real author of the failure in those negotiations. We, to that degree, are paying the price of Clinton's blunder today.

It is to be conceded that very few among the leading, best military strategists of modern society have actually mastered the underlying principles of economics, but all the greatest commanders and related strategists from Leonardo da Vinci and Machiavelli, up through the pre-1951 period in U.S. command, had been steeped in the role of a military-engineering view of logistics as the foundation of all competent strategic planning. With the rise of the utopian faction in our military, the tooty-fruity teaching of sick brands of sociology and psychology replaced the traditional competence of the tradition of Sylvanus Thayer's West Point. It is those "special warfare" tooty-fruities who are in command of the long-range military policy behind the present focus on Iraq.

Those who are serious enough to follow up on this point, will study carefully my recently published "Economics: At The End of Delusion." Sane governments will study that writing carefully; otherwise, the title, "At the End of a Delusion," were suitably carved on their tombstone.

There will be more to come on this important theme, in the near future.

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